Professor McGonagall looked at Dora with raised eyebrows, and sent Ron away to Madam Pomfrey, with Harry assisting him.

"What could Mr.Weasley have said so bad that Ms.Black had to resort to such violent behaviour?" She questioned, her lips in a tight straight line.

Dora was enraged, of course! Why would a Weasel, who's generations have been in Gryffindor ever say something that would be deemed rude or out of line.

Upon not getting a response from Dora, McGonagall looked at Snape, "Well taking the silence as the answer. I think it was clearly Ms.Black who is at fault-"

"Of course! Because I'm a Black? And Black's are known for being notorious" the teen yelled, her eyes stinging with unshed tears.

The hall was silent, but soon whispers broke out.

Dora grabbed her bag and walked out of the great hall.

Professor McGonagall yelling behind her about her detention.

Dora hurriedly made her way to the farthest away corner of the castle that she could get.

Walking down the deserted corridor of the seventh floor, she paced around the corridor. Annoyed beyond compare.

While walking up and down, Dora saw through her blurry eyes a door appearing out of nowhere on the huge wall.

Dora was perplexed, but opened the door to see a small empty room, with only a mirror in it.

Dora walked around the room and saw the door disappearing.

"What is this place?" She whispered to herself.

Looking into the mirror she was nothing but a few seconds later, she saw someone she thought she would never see while she was alive.

"Dad" she breathed out.

The mirror held a very foggy image of her dad, but it was moving. As if it was really him.

Reaching out, her soft hands collided against the cold glass of the mirror.

"Dad" she cried.

Regulus nodded and gave Dora a soft smile.

"How are you...?"

Looking around, Dora saw nothing that would indicate towards how she could see Regulus in the mirror.

Until her eyes fell upon the words carved out at the top.

"Mirror of Erised"


Not thinking much about it, for she didn't know for how long Regulus would stay. She averted her eyes towards the mirror.

"I miss you" she said in a sad voice.

Dora spent the next half an hour talking to her father.

Dora didn't know if she should feel happy or sad.

She was living her dream- of her complaining to her dad about all the things that troubled her. Just like every other girl does.

But the sad part was, Regulus could only smile. Not touch her, comfort her or say anything to her.

Walking out of the room, not before promising the foggy image of her return, she went towards the Astronomy tower.

She had missed her last lesson of that day.

Dora stood near the railing of the Tower. Leaning on it a bit.

"I hope you don't plan on jumping off of the Astronomy tower" she heard Cedric's soft voice.

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