"Yeah.. or until you come up with something better. Come on, Raven. You came down here in a pod you rebuilt yourself. You made a bomb out of a tin can. What else you got in that head of yours?" Bellamys calmly says.

He had a smile in his face the entire time. He was gentle with every word. She looks at him and thanks him with her eyes. She began thinking. You could almost see the wheels turning in her head.

"Radios. We can't defend ourselves if we can't communicate. If we can build radios, walkie-talkies-" She begins but I cut her off.

"We can be like they were in Stranger Things! Like those cute little phone things." I announce proudly. They look at me confused.

"I was going to say we could fight as a team, but sure that works." Bellamy laughs. "We'd at least have a chance. See we need you. You may be a huge pain in the ass, but you're smart." He continues and walk out of the tent signalling me to follow. As I'm about to leave Raven grabs my arm the same way Bellamy would.

"Are you guys together yet?" She asks me smiling.

"No. What. No. We wouldn't- he doesn't. I just, we just don't like each other that way. It wouldn't work anyways because he's like a leader and all that and everyone needs him and I'm not even sure what I do around here I'm basically useless." I rant. That came out of no where wow. She looks at me shocked.

"He clearly likes you Avery. Better tie him down before someone else does." She stated and pushes me out of the tent.

Was that a warning or an invitation😏.

I mean we weren't together. Honestly. Maybe his eyes would soften when they met my gaze but he saw me as a friend. His eyes would linger on me longer than a friends would though. But no! He doesn't like me. His protective nature is not jealousy and his kindness towards me was not affection. I don't like him either, he's icky and annoying and stubborn and the most arrogant person I've ever met. Why would I like him seriously?


It had been over 9 hours since we went hunting. Finn and Clarke hadn't returned so we sent a search party out for them. In that party was me, Raven, Octavia, Bellamy and Monty. Raven had made the radios pretty quickly and soon enough we were the cast of stranger things. Too bad Bellamy wouldn't let me have one. He said I, and I quote 'couldn't be trusted with something this important' . What the hell was that supposed to mean?

We were walking in the forest when we heard Raven call from the walkie talkie telling us there's someone in the bushes where they are. We rush over to them to find Myles laying in the bush with 2 arrows in him, one in his chest, the other in his leg. Been there done that. He tells us Clarke and Finn were taken by grounders. Bellamy has the bright idea to go back to camp.

"What about Finn and Clarke?" Octavia asks her big brother. He doesn't answer.

"Monty we're heading back." Bellamy says into the walkie-talkie, no answer. "Monty, do you copy?" No response. "Monty where the hell are you?" Bellamy questions with anger this time. Still no answer.

"Well I'm not leaving without Monty." I announce. "You guys can take Myles back but I'm staying. Give me your gun Myles thanks." I say grabbing his gun.

"Like hell you are." Bellamy speaks.

"You can go Bellamy there's no one telling you to stay out here. If you're too scared to find our friends, go home." I voice before walking towards where we last saw Monty. Why did I think I could leave without the infamous Bellamy arm grab.

"No. I said no Avery." He says to me quietly as if he was hiding from Octavia and Raven.

"Well thats good for you but, I don't need to listen to you." I reply with confidence. Standing up to Bellamy felt good, you feel stronger with every word. But my confidence was no match for his stubbornness.

"Avery, no means no you're coming home where I can keep you safe. You aren't safe out here and I can't let you die. Okay?" He yells, not aware he was yelling I presume but I sneak a peek to see Octavia and Ravens jaws dropped to the ground. His chest rising up and down rapidly and his face inches from mine.

"Bellamy calm down." I hear Octavia speak. Bellamy breaks our eye contact to meet Octavias.

"Don't tell me to calm down O." He spits and looks back to me. "Let's go." He speaks to me again.

"We can't leave them." I say softly. I look down when I say this trying to hide the fear in my eyes caused by the image of Clarke, Finn and Monty dead in my head. He gently lifts my head up to meet his eyes again.


"I'm sorry."

I pull away from Bellamy and walk towards where I assume the grounders live. My chest puffing as much as Bellamys was. I don't even want to look back to see Bellamys face. Just that would make me turn around. Octavia and Raven don't follow me so they must have gone back to camp with Myles and Bellamy.

I'm all alone out here.


HEY sorry again for the late update.

I wasn't busy I just didn't feel like writing tbh like I had such bad writers block.

ANYWAYS all of my chapters are unedited so feel free to comment on words or grammar that is wrong so I can fix it


I'm proud of you<3

1555 words

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now