Chapter 17- forgot

Start from the beginning

What is she on about?

" Kiara what the fuck?"

" Yeah, what the fuck?" Kiara bellows placing her hand
Finally, she stands up her face red with rage.

" What do you mean what the fuck? Are you stupid? Do you not notice the way you stare at him?"
I can't believe her.

" What is your fucking problem?"

" Nothing. It's your problem. You tell me theirs nothing going on between you two but every night you sleep in his bed. In his fucking shirt. You barely ever spend time with me. Fuck that you don't even look at me anymore.There's obviously something going on"

" Kiara your not being fair" I try easing the tension.

" Can you please remove that stick from your arse" I yell anger bubbling up inside me.

" Just go with your darling perfect husband. Link you ugly finger with his shitty one and then skip down the street in a perfect harmony.Let him fuck you in that exact car for all I care" she screams.

" FINE "I take Lorenzo's hand and stalk off towards the Tesla.

" YOU DONT EVEN FUCKING KNOW WHAT DAY IT IS DO YOU" Kiara roars as she storms in the opposite direction.

I stop in my place and my heart thuds.

"You know what," she turns around and faces me.

"Suck a slug" and just like that she turned on her heels and went into the car.

Suck a slug.

She used our insult.

Ours. The one we swore to never use on each other ever though it was stupid it was still ours.

But I deserved it.

I didn't realise what day it was.



I can't believe I fucking forgot.
I'm such a dumbass.

Today, 8 years ago was when Kiara's Mum left her and her dad for another man. She now lives in America with a whole other family. Two kids called Jack and Charlie.

She left them with nothing and took everything for her new family.

Kiara has only ever met them once when her mum forced her to pay for her own flight to America.

What a bitch.

" Hey, are you ok?"

Lorenzo places his hand onto mine, his callused skin brushing against it.

" I'm fine" I mutter, holding back the tears.

It's impossible, I can't.

I feel the tears start to fall down my cheeks, my head beginning to throb from a headache.

How did I fucking forget?

" You know you have the right to be angry at her" Lorenzo kept telling me trying to calm my nerves.

" But thats the thing, I don't . I'm so fucking stupid" I bawl, my eyes wet from the fast falling tears.

" Celeste, what do you mean,she's the one who screamed at you"

" You don't understand"

I start sobbing even harder, my shoulders shaking vigorously.

Without saying anything, Lorenzo turns and parks onto a side road.

He turns the engine off.

" Celeste, please stop crying. If you explain to me maybe it will help" He says softly.

He takes his hand off mine, and pushes my jaw to face him fixing his blue eyes onto mine.

" It's ok Celeste"

He then moves his other hand towards my cheek to wipe the tears away.

I tense and push his hand off.

" No, it's not. I forgot. I forgot it's the anniversary of when Kiara's mum left her" I hit my head with my palms and start hitting the car.

" Oh" he mumbles.

" Come on". Lorenzo pulls me into his lap, tracing up and down my back.

I push him off gently.

He's trying to help me but that's not going to fix the fact I forgot.

" It will be fine" he whispers into my neck. He repeats the sentence again and tries to make me relax.

"No, it won't."

I sob into his shoulder, whilst he holds me.

I gave in to his touch and cried until my eyes felt sore.

I expect my face is all red and blotchy, but Lorenzo doesn't seem to care.

" Can we... can we get her an apology gift"

He rubs my cheek soothingly.

" Of course, Nikoli's favourite bakery is just around the corner. We'll get her a cake"

" Ooo, look at that one. I bet Kiara will like that" He points to a Strawberry cheesecake. It definitely does look delicious.

" No, she doesnt like cheesecake"
Lorenzo and I stayed in the car for around another half an hour, until coming here to " Bella's Bakery".

My eyes were red and rimmed with tears.

" What about that one" I say.

It says "It's a girl" in fondant letters. I'll have to take them off later. But I'm sure I can pipe something else in icing.

He smirks up at me.

" It's a girl? Are we pregnant then?" He chuckles and grins harder.

" Shut up"

" You were the one wailing into my shoulders earlier. Where's that gone? You're nicer when your sad"

He laughs at me, showing his pearly white teeth and I desperately try to not to smile back.

"That one is the only red velvet one here, I'll just scrape the icing of abs replace it."

I peer up to the lady at the counter.

" We'll take that one" I say pointing to the cake we chose.

" Yep, of course"
She beams at us.

I can tell it's coming.
" Congratulations!! How many weeks are you along?!" She smiles widely and looks down to my stomach.


Lorenzo and I look at each other. I can tell my face is panicked, however he clearly doesn't feel the same way. He's smirking, laughter in his eyes.

" Thanks! We're 16 weeks along. Just came back from our ultrasound. And.... it's a girl." Lorenzo exclaims, fake excitement in his face.

How does he lie so easily?

I suppose he is the son of a Mafia leader. The Mafia that he is in.

He's in the mafia.

The thought ran around in my head.

What if we really screwed up with the deal?

I tried focusing back to the cake.

He brushes his hand over my stomach, then takes my hand into his.

I don't even know what he's doing now.

I had no choice but to smile.

" Yep!! Were are just so excited for the baby to come. I can't wait!" I clapped my hands Together trying hard to lie.

The woman takes the cake from the counter, boxes it up and passes it to Lorenzo.

Obviously me being apparently pregnant means I can't hold a cake now.

" Thanks" I say and we walk out.

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