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'Mommy, can you read me a bedtime story?'
'Of course, what would you like?'
'Little red riding hood.'
'Okay. Once upon a time...'
Little red riding hood used to be my favourite bedtime story, mainly because it had a wolf in it. The wolf that came into my life however was more of a hero. My hero.

I had never given much thought, to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone I love. Seems like a good way to go. So, I can't bring myself to regret the decision to leave home. I would miss Phoenix, I'd miss the heat, I would miss my loving, erratic, hare-brained mother. And her new husband. But they wanna go on the road. So my sister and I are gonna spend some time with my dad. And this will be a good thing. I think. In the state of Washington. Under a near-constant cover of clouds and rain, there's a small town named Forks. Population: 3120 people. This is where we're moving. My dad's Charlie. He's the Chief of Police. We used to spend two weeks here almost every summer. But it's been years. One of the best things about Charlie is. He doesn't hover.

I place Bella's diary down, looking out her window to see her digging up a cactus and placing it into a small pot. Bella's always been the theatrical one. Bella is pale and has the looks of our dad, whereas I look more like mum. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned skin. It also appears that I have taken up my mother's personality. Which is the complete opposite of Bella's awkward, shy type.

I leave her bedroom and grab my last bag before heading toward the car. I hug my mother and buckle up waiting for my older sister to finish saying goodbye properly.

Goodbye Phoenix. Hello Forks.

Sophie Swan: P.LDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora