Chapter 83 - And When They Don't

Start from the beginning

"Sam," she said, looking right at him.

He examined her again as if adding that bit of information, turned as if to leave and then he turned back and said, "Oh! And if you're going to play in my sandbox, you might want to be very, very careful. I've been known to be a bit selfish with my toys."

He glared over at the body of Lilitu, and then turned back again to Katie. "This Bitch was a loyal follower of Lilith and Abaddon, so you get a pass this time. But don't test me." He looked at Katie oddly. "Ya know, you two are cute as a button, as the saying goes. I think I'll call you 'Chip' and 'Dale," and he snapped his fingers and was gone.

"Oh my God!," exclaimed Katie, holding her hand to her chest, and breathing heavily. "I can't remember when I've been so scared."

Jensen said, "Aww, I wanted to see him. Did he look like our Crowley?"

"Kind of a little, yeah, but he was definitely just as suave. He talked just like him."

"What do you mean 'our Crowley?'" said Crowley, suddenly reappearing.

"You know, it's very rude to eavesdrop," said Katie, without thinking.

"Yes it is," he said. "I don't care. What do you mean by 'Our Crowley?'" he asked again.

"It doesn't matter," she said with a pleasant smile. "It doesn't affect you. If you want me to respect your sandbox, then you should respect my limo." While she said this, she surreptitiously moved one of the cams to take in Crowley.

"Yes," he said, smiling back at her. "Well played, Chip. I can see we're going to have some fun together." He thought a minute and preened himself up a little. "So you think I'm suave, do you?" And with a little wave, he disappeared again.

"No more talk about Crowley until I get home," she said.

Sam and Dean

When Sam and Dean appeared suddenly on the floor in front of Tarsa he acted immediately. He laid his hand on both of their shoulders to do what he could as he mentally called for healers. Within seconds two Nephirum appeared and wrapped themselves around the boys.

After about five minutes the boys' wounds were no longer life threatening. However, total healing was going to take many hours. When it was safe to move them they were taken to the room that had been given them and laid upon their beds. Every hour or so, healers were exchanged for new ones. Healing took a lot of energy.

While the boys were being healed, Tarsa launched an investigation into what had happened. He called for Andro, who was fast becoming his most trusted confidant, to take surfacer form and speak to those who had been with the boys at the time. He hated thinking what he was thinking, but he highly suspected this was another attack by Nephirum. He feared that things were about to become much more dangerous for his heroes.

When the first two healers were relieved of duty they reported to Tarsa, saying that both wounds would have been fatal in a matter of minutes. Their hearts had been pierced with blades by someone who knew what they were doing.

While the second set of healers were still working on the boys, Andro reported back. The friends who were with Sam and Dean were much worried. Andro assured them that the boys would live. He hoped he hadn't overstepped his authority. Tarsa told him it was all right.

What Andro reported was that as the group was walking through the center of town, in the open in bright daylight, two individuals seemed to come from nowhere, made their way to a place behind Sam and Dean and quickly vanished. The boys then fall to the ground. Everything happened so quickly there was no time for anyone to get enough of a look at the attackers to describe them.

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