Chapter 79 - Everybody Wants to be a hero

Start from the beginning

"How much do you all know of how this is supposed to happen?" Dean asked them.

"Nothing really," Hale answered, "except that if it is completed HIS way, we are all doomed, but that there is supposed to be a way to thwart that, and stop it for at least several more centuries."

"Well I can tell you one better," said Dean. "There really is a way to thwart this and stop it for all time, and we know how to do it." This led to cheers and whistles and even more excitement. When the group got quiet again, Dean added, "In fact, we have been led to believe that if we succeed in doing it our way, your 'douche bag' may actually cease to exist."

That remark caused a stunning silence, as they all looked around at each other. After a few minutes of this, Stoney Teason cleared his throat and said, "What do you need us to do?"

Back at the Bunker

"That was fun," said Jensen, as they all came in laughing.

"Yeah, but you took a chance," said Katie.

"Nah," he said, "I didn't think so. I was pretty sure they had orders not to do anything."

"Well, actually, there's something else you can do for me, and I'm sure you'll find it fun too."

"Oh yeah, what's that?"

"I want to show you guys to Georgie, I want him to see you, and I have more questions for him. You can help me interrogate him."

"Oh fun,"

Just then Garth met up with them and said, "Looks like most of them have cleared out, but there are a few stragglers hanging around."

"Thanks, Garth," Katie said. "You ought to go home, I think we have this. We've taken way too much of your time this last month."

"I was happy to help but yeah if you're sure you got this now, I do think I'll head on home," Garth said. They said their goodbyes, and Maggie went to open the garage door, and also take their mom home.

Jared said, "How on earth did you manage to capture him anyway?"

Katie smiled and said, "Come on, I'll show you." They followed her to the video room and she showed them the recording of how they captured Georgie.

"Smooth operation," said Jensen admiringly.

Then she showed them her first interrogation of Georgie. When it was over they were both staring at her and looking a bit unsettled. "What?" she asked.

"You kinda scare me," Jared said.

"I'm assuming that was acting," said Jensen. "Well except for the knife cutting part. But, seriously, you should go to Hollywood. That was an amazing show you put on."

Katie laughed, and said, "No, really, I can't act. I mean, not like from a script. I can only do it if I have my own personal reasons for it. Like with this."

"You never really told us why you were chosen to be with Sam and Dean," said Jared. "Watching what you did here makes me curious."

"Cliff notes version," said Katie, " we were raped by an uncle, who was a priest, for two years, starting from around age twelve. No one believed us so we rebelled. We joined a gang, spent our teenage years in it, basically running with street thugs and criminals. We've been in knife fights, gun fights and hand to hand, we've stolen cars, ran cons, … we've done a lot of… other things too." She lifted up her shirt and said, these are just some of the scars I carry from that time.

Jared said, Katie, I'm sorry for asking. That must bring back some horrible memories."

"It used to," she said. But now that we know all that prepared us to be with Sam and Dean, I'd do it all over again."

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