Chapter 76 - Calling in Reinforcements

Start from the beginning

He handed the lighter to Jono and said, "Go on try it, just flip this up, and roll your thumb on this little wheel." Jono did so, and grinned happily when the lighter produced a flame. Dean reached out and closed the lid. "Conserve the fuel," he said. "I don't know if your oil here will work." Dean showed him how to refill it when it stopped working. "It uses a very thin liquid type of fuel," he said.

Jono was thrilled with his gift. Then they all took a torch in hand in went into the cave.

Eric, Jared and Jensen

Eric closed the door and went over to sit behind his desk. "Thank you both for coming," he said. "I really need your help."

"Sure, anything," said Jared.

"We're here for you, man, what's up?" asked Jensen.

Eric took a deep breath and looked very seriously at the boys. "I'm about to tell you something you aren't going to believe. But you must try to believe it as quickly as you can, it's important.

Both boys indicated they would and for him to go ahead.

Erick looked at them without speaking for several long moments. "I have some friends who are in serious danger, and you two are the only ones in the world who can help."

The two young actors laughed and Jared said, "Sure, man, whatever. You need us to meet some bigwigs or something?"

"No, nothing like that," Eric said. "I told you it's important, and it's something you aren't going to believe. So at least wait until I get to the unbelievable part."

Again, the boys looked at each other and shrugged, and waited for Eric to continue.

"Look, I haven't had a lot of time to figure out how to approach this, so forgive my abruptness." Eric snapped his fingers.

Suddenly Jared and Jensen found themselves in France, looking at the Eiffel Tower. "What the hell?" said Jared, knitting his eyebrows.

"Are we really where it looks like we are?" Jensen asked him.

"Well people are speaking French all around us, so I'd say yeah."


"You think I know?" Jared answered.

"Some awesome new Technology maybe?" asked Jensen

Suddenly they found themselves back with Eric again, standing in the middle of the room and looking around in consternation.

"Eric, what the fuck?" Said Jared.

"Sit back down," said Eric gently. "Sit, sit."

The boys took their seats again, warily, and Jensen said, "What the hell man, are you really Eric?"

"I assure you I am the same Eric you've always known. You just haven't known everything there was to know about me," he said.

"Like what?" asked Jared.

"Let me start again," said Eric. "I have some friends who are in serious danger, and you two are the only people on earth who can help them."

Jensen pursed his lips and said, "Yeah, that sounds pretty much like what you said before. But what's the unbelievable part?"

"Jesus, I don't have time for this," Said Eric softly.

"Time for what?" asked Jensen.

"Look," Eric said a bit harshly. "I may have to do this in a harsh way and I'd really rather not. Can you two please try to be serious for just a few minutes and listen to me?"

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