Said Aizawa stands helpless glued to the spot watching the girl suffer. "Please you're his hero, help him. It's already too late but help him! And read my notes! Find Dabi, he wants to save shigaraki but he's alone I don't want my family to die again. Please sir you have to help!"
She screams.

Then a loud shrill alarm goes off and the girl falls limp. A set of doctors rush in and somehow Aizawa is ushered to the side. He can see the professionals fussing around the girl and he can't help but feel pain.

She was only a kid. His problem child is only a kid! They're all just kids yet somehow this world had screwed them over. "Toga..."

"It's okay sir she's just passed out, but you need to leave." A nurse says kindly, walking him to the door.

The man nods absentmindedly. Feet carrying him to wherever they see fit. He just registers the detective questioning him but he doesn't stop for long. He hands the black device over letting his feet walk. He can't stop. He just can't. Not until he's alone with nothing but a headache and a folded letter.

Paper has never felt so heavy as it had in that moment. The fear of what could be on it. The fear of knowing what might be on it.

Aizawa unfolds it. He flattens it. He reads it.

《This is for izuku's hero.

I'm sorry for what I did I won't use the 'he made me' excuse. My actions are my own. I regret everything except what involves endeavour, I'll see him in hell.

the big mans plan isn't a quick one. He's had it in motion for at least 14 year. Ever since his first child was born he's been obsessed.
-he's collecting quirks for him.
-he's collecting an army for him.
-he's manipulating people to suit his needs.
Everything he does is for his son. A few months ago he teamed up with a vigilante and found his sons school. He tricked a villain into going rampant. He knew who would be captured. It was all according to plan. His sons best friend was held captive.

-he sent Shigaraki
-his son made the deal
-the game was set

Now he has the boy but it all went wrong a hero came and burnt the place to the ground. Izuku got caught in the crossfire and was killed. Who would even send endeavour to rescue someone?! And why isn't he in jail?!

Izuku dying wasn't part of the plan. The boss didn't plan that, it's made his life harder, but he adapted. He always adapts. He stoped Izuku dying keeping him in a weird, almost dead state. It's creepy. He caressed the boy and caries him around like a baby. I've never seen anything like it. He sent me to kidnap a girl called eri.

-she can rewind things.
The yakuza had her for quirk erasing bullets. She's been hurt and abandoned I wish I had seen what she was needed for. Now I wish I never got her. I wish I never did anything. I wish I was stronger and fought him. I hope she's safe.

His plans are as follows.
-use copy to make a new body
-temporarily use that body as a base for his son.
-keep the dead body in a time freezing vat of liquid. (One of his stolen quirks, he has many.)
-mature eris quirk
-collect the right organs from the black market.

Once these steps have been completed he plance to bring Izuku back. He's going to use eris blood to rewind the damage done.

Izuku will be made back to as if the accident never happened.

His father is the big boss. He won't be a match. No one can stop him. He's obsessed. All might failed and so did seven others. He always brags about it. No one can defeat him. Except maybe him, or equally her.

A list of locations:

-21 fuya warehouse, cinhu lane third exit on the estate park.

-Time warp bar, red light district, shibuya

-Safe house, 129 cherrywood lane, district 12 outskirts of Tokyo JP09 TY3

-The yakuza base I got Eri from is in a secret basement in the Japanese culture house tourist destination. You can only get in through the Hokusai painting of the great wave on the wall. Behind it is a locked door. The code is #25TJ 789 C0T

If this is been delivered that means the boss stole my quirk and has had me executed for my silence. I know too much. I was too involved.

Please save Izuku, he doesn't deserve to be wound up in this world.

He deserves to be happy with his friends and his family. With you.

Just make sure he's okay. I won't die for nothing. He and I have one thing in common, we never asked to die. It just happened.

We didn't ask for this it's too late for me. But save him. Please.

Toga himiko of the himikobami family.

Well shit, Aizawa better go find the detective.

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