Chapter 5: Dorm

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"So?" Pansy looked at Theo, as everyone sat down on whatever they found. "What are you waiting for? Open it"

"Okay, Okay, damn impatient woman," Theo said as he opened the letter and began to read it out loud.

Dear, troublesome kids

By the time you read this, I will be gone back to the Ministry, but there is something I didn't tell you and if you reading then one of you (my money's on Theo)

"Am I that predictable?" Theo asked as he stopped reading.

"Yes, now continue" Demanded Blaise as he sat on one of the couches.

"Okay, man you and Pansy are bossy, let me just continue where I left off," he said as he continued.

must have seen the rooms.
You see, when I was told about this new law I did everything that I could to have Draco, Theo, Blaise, Matt, Pansy, and Astoria in the same dorm since I knew they wouldn't want to be separated and I knew about the whole dorms mates sharing arrangements. The minister of magic said that he would let you all share the dorm if you shared a room with your partner or in Theo's case, partners. He said that this way you would have to bond with your partners in a way that would also make you feel more comfortable around each other. I honestly don't understand that man most of the time.

I was able to somehow persuade the minister to let me design your dorm and rooms and I'm happy to say that the rooms are as big as the old rooms that you shared with those in your house dormitory. Though since there are a lot of you, the dorm is more like a shared house for you all with rooms. They each have a walk-in closet, their own bathrooms, a place where the girls can set their private stuff and other things they might need, and my personal favorite, they all have a balcony with seats on the outside. The entire place is two floors. The first is the living room and such, and the second is the rooms.

The doors are enchanted to say the male's last name since that way if your dorm mates had a female sibling there they wouldn't get so confused, the way you can change it is with the stele that each couple has in their room on the bedside table.

Also, Theo if you are the one reading this then that means you are the one that found the names on the doors so please, have mercy on me and don't kill me.

With love,

"What the bloody hell is a stele?" Ron asked as he looked at Hermione.

"Not sure," she answered as she looked at him much to his surprise "I haven't heard of them"

"Stele's are tools used by some witches and warlocks, they are incredibly rare. They take the form of their owners preference." Matthew explained as he looked at them.

"How about we all go to our rooms and put everything away?" Astoria suggested as she looked at everyone then at Pansy. "We can explore everything after,"

"Okay, sounds like a plan." Pansy agreed as she looked at Ron "Come on Weasel," she said as she got up and began to walk away.

"Pansy, be nice" Astoria scolded as Pansy looked at her.

"I'll try, no promises though" she replied.

"Try not to kill him," Theo said as she looked at him.

"Again, no promises" Soon Ron and Pansy were gone.

"Astoria and I should probably get going as well," Matthew said as he got up and helped his fiancé up as well.

"Yeah," agreed Astoria as she smiled "plus, I'm wondering how Grace designed our rooms" soon everyone agreed and each went to their shared rooms.

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