Part 2: New students

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Pansy was the first to walk down the steps and run straight towards a brown-haired girl and wrap her hands around her.

"Astoria, it's really you," said Pansy as she let go of the girl.

"Hi, Pansy," Said the brunette as she smiled at her best friend "it's so good to see you again"

"Hey, forgetting a few others?" Asked a brown-haired boy as he looked at the girls

"Oh, my Salazar. Theo, Matt," Said Pansy as she walked over to the other two boys and gave each a hug.

"Hi, Pansy," Said a dark-haired boy "you look well"

"So do you, Mattheo," Said Pansy as she let him go

"Wow, we feel loved" Said Blaise as he and Draco walked up to them.

"Hey Blaise, hey Draco" Greeted the boy who the golden trio thought to be Theo.

"Hey, Theo, Matt, and Asty" Greeted back Blaise as Draco nodded at them.

"Hey Blay, hi Dray" Greeted an excited Astoria as she let go of her best friend. She then proceeded to walk towards the middle of the great hall and looked around in amazement as every student watched her. Some because of her beauty and others out of curiosity.

"So this is Hogwarts, it's amazing, just like you three described it in your letters." She continued to look around until she caught the eye of Professor McGonagall and started to walk towards the front with a smile.

"What is she doing?" Questioned Blaise as he watched one of his best friends walk towards his headmistress.

"Better question is, what is she planning on doing?" Mattheo stated as he watched one of his closest friends walk up to the front. "Come on" They all started walking behind Astoria who finally got to the front.

"You must be Professor McGonagall, it's lovely to meet you." Started Astoria as she smiled.

"I've heard so much about you from uncle Snape, Draco, Pansy, and Blaise." This surprised McGonagall as she watched the young brown-haired beauty continue. "You sound like an amazing person and I'm pleased to be here, Hogwarts seems like an amazing school so far."

"Yes dear child, it's lovely to meet you as well, and I'm pleased that you have found Hogwarts pleasing so far." McGonagall smiled at the young witch who turned to the others

'Maybe she will end up in Hufflepuff, she seems to have the attitude and sure seems fit for it' McGonagall thought as she watched them

~Griffindor's POV~
"Who in the bloody hell are they?" Asked Ron as he watched the Slytherins interact with the strangers and the older blonde girl.

"No idea," Said Harry as he looked at his best friend "but it seems like Malfoy, Parkinson, and Zabini know them"

"Same goes for McGonagall," Said Ginny to which the boys agreed.

"Come on, keep it quiet," Said Hermione as she looked at her friends "McGonagall is about to speak again."And as if on cue, McGonagall started speaking once again and by that point, the three Slytherins had gone back to their table

"You must all be confused as to why these young wizards and witch have come here with a person from the Ministry of Magic" soon whispers were heard all around the room

"She's from the Ministry?" A surprised Ron looked at the others who were equally as shocked as he was.

"Yes, you heard correct," McGonagall confirmed as she continued "Ms. Grace here is from the Ministry and was a student here a few years ago," The blonde smiled at everyone as she let her old Professor continue. "There are two reasons as to why she is here today, one of them has to do with these young wizards and witch. They are joining Hogwarts as an opportunity for them to learn and grow as true wizards. The second reason is regarding the sixth and seventh years only." She said as she looked at her students "So right after we get them sorted and have breakfast, all students from the fifth year and below will be escorted by a teacher to your dormitories while the rest stay." There were some complaints from students and some groans but no questions whatsoever. "Okay let us begin with the sorting," she turned to the three students who waited patiently. "I do believe you three know the houses, correct?"

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