Chapter 7: An unlikely friendship

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The room fell silent at her words, processing the words she had just uttered. No one spoke for what seemed like hours which was truly only a minute.

"Excuse me?" Mattheo turned to her, still trying to process what she said.

"I mean, we will be living together for the year and if I do get married to Theodore then that will most likely state that I will be seeing you and your friends a lot." She explained which made everyone realize that she was right. If they do marry their partners they would be seeing each other very often. Just great.

"What's going on?" Pansy asked as she walked in with Astoria. She looked from Luna to her friends.

"Lovegood here has just asked for a truce," Mattheo replied as he signaled towards Luna.

"Oh that's wonderful," Astoria said with glee as she sat down on the opposite couch.

"Astoria," Pansy turned to her best friend as she sat next to her. "you do remember that she was kept in the Malfoy basement, right?"

"It's okay, really," Everyone turns their attention toward the blonde Ravenclaw as she shrugged. She had a small sad smile on her face, while she looked down then at the 4 Slytherins in front of her. "I understand. You did what you had to do to keep yourselves alive and Draco didn't really have much of a choice in the matter. I mean, if Voldemort were to live in my house I wouldn't try to anger him and instead do what I could to be kept myself and my family alive, wouldn't you?" She looked at Ron and Harry as she said the last part.

Those words affected all Slytherins in the room a great deal. To have someone understand what they did was for a reason and not because they were evil was truly a shock. They had grown to act cruel or at least pretend to be. They didn't have a choice in anything. They looked at Luna and took what she said to heart. It was like a weight had shifted.

~With the other four~
"Think that they have killed each other by now?" Theo asked as he walked next to Blaise while the girls overheard.

"Nah," Blaise replied as he looked at him. "they probably haven't"

"What makes you so sure?" Ginny questioned still unhappy with her partner.

"Because Astoria and Matt are there," he simply replied.

"Okay, let's make a bet," Ginny proposed as she looked at him

"I'm listening"

"If we get back and no one has died then I'll give you 15 galleons but if your proven wrong, you will give me 15 galleons"

"Deal," they both shook hands as they were being watched by their best friends.

"Honestly," Hermione looked at her best friend as she shook hands with Blaise while Theo looked at them as well. "those two can be so alike"

"Yep," Theo agreed as he watched his best friend with a smile. "but I'm pretty sure that Blaise is gonna win the bet"

"What makes you so sure?" Hermione raised an eyebrow as she looked at the male brunette.

"Well for one Blaise is right, if Weasel and Potty start a fight with Draco and Pansy then they would be stopped by Astoria and Matt" he replied.

"Why did you even wanna come to the library?" Hermione looked at Theo who just kept walking.

"As I said, I need something to read. Plus I needed to get away from my fiancée's," Theo mumbled the last part, but Hermione heard him.

"Why would you wanna be away from them?" She asked him.

"Why do you wanna be far from Draco? Exactly," he said when she didn't answer him. As he kept walking he matched her pace so they were side to side. "Most people would think that arranged marriages wouldn't be a problem for pureblood children since the whole tradition thing, but the truth of the matter is that yes we should be okay with this but we are not. When we're children we have more time to process and prepare, more time to accept it. And even then we are not okay with it. But this news now, especially after the war, is more like chaos rising up all over again."

Marriage law: You and I {Dramione & Blinny & more}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant