Part 10

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"Finally, two more classes, and we are done," Theo groaned.

"You don't like school, do you?" Luna asked.

"I don't particularly mind it, but I don't love it as well," Theo vaguely said. "I think I'm gonna like these two classes though,"

"Yes, you are because it has your two favorite things. Creatures and chaos," Pansy said. She walked ahead of him next to Draco who was ahead of them.

"She is not wrong, mate," Blaise told him while walking over to his two friends. Theo chuckled and ran over as well.

"They seem close," Luna noted.

"They do seem close, they're always together," Harry added. He watched them walk together and laugh. He didn't know they could be so carefree. Pansy and Theo argued whole Blaise laughed and Draco just walked.


"Today we will be 'earning 'bout the giant squid," Hagrid told the class.

"Like the giant squid in the lake?" Astoria asked out loud.

"Ye'," Hagrid replied. "Now, who can tell me what squids eat?"

Immediately two hands went in the air. One being Hermione's and the other being Theo's. Many were surprised but no one was more surprised than Hermione's friends. But Theo's friends just shook their heads and sighed. They both looked at Hagrid who looked amazed.

"Yes, Ermione?" Hagrid called out.

"They eat fish and crustaceans," she replied.

"They are also known to be cannibalistic though this is mostly towards smaller squids," Theo added.

"They can live in both freshwater and saltwater as well as many other types of temperatures," Hermione said.

"They have three hearts; two branchial and one systemic," The Slytherins looked away embarrassed at the form of competition Theo was starting.

"Good, there's two of you," Draco sarcastically said out loud, he rolled his eyes and looked at the two brunettes. Hermione looked at Draco with a glare, as did Theo.

"Well if you follow me now, we'll see the giant squid in the lake," Hagrid said.


"I have never seen anyone try to out do you like that, ever," Ginny said as she put away some clothes.

"It's not a big deal," Hermione said. She grabbed a book from a shelf and looked through it. "Nott is probably just cocky or something. Probably doesn't wanna be beaten by a Gryffindor,"

"It's more than just that, he was challenging you and Malfoy literally said 'Good there's two of you' and you both seriously look alike," Ginny said.

"Ginny, at least 11% of the world has brown hair. Plus it's not like just because we both like reading or something means we are related," Hermione said.

"Oh Merlin, I didn't mean you two could be twins, lord, no. I mean that it's freaky how you two have stuff in common," Ginny said.

Suddenly, three knocks came from the door making both girls look at each other. Who could be knocking? Ron and Harry were with Luna downstairs. The two boys were playing chess while Luna was doing homework. So who in the bloody hell could be knocking?

"Come in," Ginny called.

Then, in all his glory, Blaise Zabini walked in with...

"What do you want Zabini?" Ginny asked.

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