Chapter 4: Reunion

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"Mom? Dad?" Harry looked with glassy eyes as his parents, godfather, his father's best friend and his wife smiled at him.

"Hi, Sweetheart," The soft voice of Lily Potter calmed his son as he looked at his mother.

"How is this possible?" Questioned Harry as whipped his tears.

"Narcissa Malfoy found the portrait in one of Voldemort's bases and brought it in, then McGonagall had it reformed so Sirius, Remus, and Tonk's can be in it. She even had someone enchant it so our spirits can be here, so we can be in ghost form but not for long." Replied Lily as she looked at the others. "It's also nice to meet you Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna, although I don't know the others,"

"Oh how rude of us," Said Astoria as she courtesy. "My name is Astoria Greengrass"

"My name is Pansy Parkinson," Pansy replied as she looked up.

"Blaise Zabini," Blaise greeted as he went back to talk to Pansy.

"Draco Malfoy," Draco introduced himself with no emotion in his voice.

"So your the boy who bullied my son and his friends," Said James as he looked at the young wizard "the death eater"

"Former death eater and you should be grateful because it was his mother who brought your portrait to the headmistress and he was the reason Voldemort was defeated, he threw his wand to your son." Said Theo as he looked at his fiancée's parents.

"And who might you be? I don't believe I had you when I was still alive" Remus asked as he looked at Theo.

"Theodore Nott, please call me Theo" He introduced himself without mention of the whole fiancée stuff.

"And you, young man?" Lily looked at Matthew who looked at him.

"Matthew" He simply said looking away from the parents his father killed.

"Do you have a last name, Matthew?" Lily asked as he looked at him.

"I don't think you would wanna know" he replied as he looked down at his feet.

"I believe we do," Said James as he looked at Matthew

"Riddle," Matthew said much to their surprise as the young wizard look down. "My name is Matthew Riddle, son of the man who killed you,"

"What?" Sirius said with venom in his voice as he looked at the 18-year-old. "You're his child?"

"Now boys," said Tonks as she closed her eyes and then looked at Matthew. "Matthew isn't his father, that much I can tell. How old are you, kid?"

"I'm 18 ma'am," He replied as he looked at the woman who unknown to him, was his cousin.

"You were just a baby then," Lily said as she continued to look at him. "Who raised you?"

"I believe you know him, Mrs. Potter" he started which made them confused. "The man who raised me was Severus Snape,"

"Snape raised you?" James laughed as his two best friends joined. "That's a good joke, kid,"

"It's not a joke sir," Matthew replied as he tried to control his anger. "He helped raise me and the others, he was a great man."

"Come on kid, tell us who truly raised you" James continued as he looked at Matthew.

"I've told the truth, if you are so naive to believe it, that is your fault, not mine. And my name isn't kid as I told you, it's Mattheo" Matthew looked at him dead in the eye.

"It's just hard to believe a person like Snape could have raised a polite and respectful person like you," said James with a laugh. "I mean, he was always so nerdy and into his potions that he barely paid attention to anything else"

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