Chapter 6: First morning

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Hermione groaned as she was woken up by someone shaking her. "Granger, Granger, wake up"

"What?" She groaned sleepily as Draco stopped shaking her.

"Get up and get dressed," he said as Hermione looked at the clock

"Malfoy, it's 6:30, we don't have class for another 2 hours and a half," She said as she looked at him

"I'm aware of that. My sister left a note saying that we don't have classes until Wednesday." Draco said as he watched her get up. "Blaise, Pansy, and Theo are waking up your friends so get dressed"

"Whatever," Hermione said as she went to the closet and heard the door close. She got out a gray long sleeve with a floral print on it. Grabbed some jeans, and a pair of vans. Then finally did her hair and walked out of her room where she found Ginny and the others waiting for her.

"Guess they woke you up as well," Said Ginny. She was wearing light jeans, a red shirt, white sneakers, and a gray hoodie.

"Yeah," she replied as we all began to walk down the hall with the others

"I wonder what they needed," said Luna who had on a blue turquoise sweater, dark blue jeans, and a pair of pink vans.

"Who knows," Said Ron, who was still half asleep.

"It's too early," Said Harry who rubbed the sleep off his eyes.

"I smell food" Said Ron as he ran ahead.

"I swear, the first thing he thinks of, food," Hermione said as she and the others got to the kitchen where they found Draco, Theo, Pansy, and Blaise sitting and talking while Astoria cooked and Mattheo helped her.

"Oh looks like your all finally here," Said Astoria as she noticed them. She wore a gray long sleeve shirt that had a v neck and cut on the shoulders, dark blue jeans, brown ankle combat boots with heels, and a stone necklace.

"Uh, Yeah," Awkwardly said Ginny as she looked at them.

"Have a seat, breakfast will be out shortly," Astoria said as they sat down.

"Anyone wants some coffee or tea?" Pansy asked as she got up. She was wearing a green flannel, some black ripped jeans, and blue converse.

"I'll have some tea." Said Luna as she sat down next to Theo. "Hello Theo"

"Hi Lovegood," He greeted as he looked at her as she smiled. "hey, Draco, Blaise, Pansy?"

"Yeah?" Draco answered as he took a sip of his coffee.

"What class do you have first?" Theo asked him as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Charms," Draco answered as he helped Pansy.

"Transfiguration" Answered Blaise as he helped Pansy with the coffees as well.

"And I have potions" Answered Pansy as she put down Luna's tea.

"Great, I'll go with Blaise" Said Theo as he smiled.

"I'll be with Pansy," Mattheo said as he helped Astoria put the food on the table.

"I'll go with Drake," Astoria said as she put down a plate in front of Harry. "Anyway, I hope you all enjoy"

"This isn't poisoned, right?" Ron questioned as he motioned to the eggs and toast that Astoria and Mattheo had served them.

"Not at all, we may be mean but we aren't our parents," Astoria replied as she took a bite of her eggs.

"This is delicious," Luna complemented as she ate some of her food.

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