Part 37 It's Karthick Vs Varun.

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Author's POV :
             Karthick who lost his cool rushed towards Kavin, Adhvik and Varun.

Karthick : What did you just say??

Adhvik : Karthick it was nothing. We were just talking. You...

Karthick : Oh please Adhvik you can just keep your mouth shut. I am asking this man who brought a lot of happiness in people's life today.

Varun : You heard it right. Oh you want me to repeat it.

Karthick : Just don't beat around the bush. If you have enough guts just spit it out.

Varun : Oh don't just think yourself as king. I am not someone who would be afraid of your command. Yes I love Avanti.

Karthick : it is Avanthika for you.
         Both were facing each other with rage in their eyes. Both caught hold of each other's collar. Kavin and Adhvik separated them.

Adhvik : what is this Karthick. Please listen to him fully. Your this angry mode will only lead to destruction.

Karthick : Adhvik let him answer. You don't be his voiceover. I know you hold him high in your heart and for that you don't need to support him in whatever he does.

Adhvik : I will support him and you do whatever you can.

Varun : Please can you guys shut up and listen to me. Karthick you can take it however you like. But I will tell you the truth now. Yes I was in love with Avanthika and still I am not able to get over her. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her and at that time I didn't know who she was or she was related to you. I again met her at Priya's engagement and by the time I thought of confessing my feelings to her, I realised she is in love with you. I have no intention of coming inbetween you guys. I can genuinely see how happy she is with you and I want to see her like this. And don't forget you just entered her life before me and she fell in love with you. If I entered her life before you, I would have made sure she is mine. Take your Avi with you and shower her all your love.

Karthick walked away from there angrily without answering back Varun.
Adhvik hugged Varun. Kavin too joined them and soon it became a group hug.

Adhvik : I am so proud of you da V.

Kavin : But Karthick walked off angrily. What will be in his mind??

Adhvik : He is always like that ra. Only after Avi entered his life he toned down his anger. From childhood he is always possessive about what he wants. But he is not that bad. I just want Karthick and Varun to be friends.

Varun : That won't happen this lifetime.

Kavin : let's see.

              With that everyone went to sleep. But it was Karthick who could not sleep. There were so many things going in his head.

Karthick's POV :
               Should I discuss this with my Avi. No no already she is fragile hearted. If I tell this to her she would start empathising Varun and I don't want her to think about him. Actually Varun is also not at fault. He said he knows Avi loves me so he won't come inbetween us. I think he is not as harmful as his family. I can clearly see the respect for Avi and our family in his eyes. Omg when did I start seeing good in others.? I am sure it is because of my Avi. Avi see what you have done to me. I don't know what I would do if you are not in my life. I love you my baby.
            Thinking about Avi Karthick slept.

Author's POV :
              On the other side Avi was trying to talk with Priya as she realised priya was angry on Avi.  Harini was also there in the room.

Avi : Priya Ka u know you can scold me or tell me anything.

Priya : Actually I am sorry Avi. I can tolerate and take anything on me but when it comes to my brother I become so vulnerable. He is my life. I was just afraid he might get hurt. But just look at him right now, he has become more matured and calm. He was not like this before. You brought out the best in him. I am also a bit jealous now that you became his priority. But nothing to worry since my baby brother is happy.

Karthick : Excuse me ladies. Can I enter the scene??

Harini : so Karthick basically you were overhearing us??

Karthick: Not exactly.

Priya : He would have come here to talk with "HIS" Avi. Am I right Mr. Karthick Prakash ?

Karthick : Oh so my sister is angry with me. No problem I thought I would give my sister her favourite ice cream. If she is angry I will eat it alone. Sorry Anni and Avi, this is only between brother and sister. I can't share it with you guys.
       Karthick started to eat the ice cream. Harini and Avi were laughing at them both.

Priya : Dei stupid give it to me.
           Karthick started feeding Priya. Priya cried her heart out and Karthick hugged her. Harini and Avi left the room.

Priya : You love her the most right?? No problem but why you fail to see others around you. Your world has become smaller since she came into your life.

Karthick : You are really a child. I feel sad for Adhvik. You have to understand one thing my dear sister. You are my sister and she is my wife and both emotions are different and that doesn't weigh down the love and care I have for you both. I feel you don't have the same amount of love and respect you had for her. You know very well how sweetheart she is. Will she hurt me or this family? Actually you should have taken a stand for her when others were trying to school her. But your love for your family failed to show you the truth and you turned against her. Please open your eyes. And It is not about priority please do understand that.

Priya :  I am so happy you became this mature Karthick that you are teaching me what is right. Actually what you said is true. Call Avi here.
       Karthick went out and brought Avi and Harini inside.

Priya : Sorry Avi. I became stupid and behaved very badly with you.

Karthick : Oh please akka don't say sorry to me. We are family right and you have all the rights to vent out your anger on me. I don't mind.

Harini: yea that's like good girls. Come let's have a group hug.

           All the three ladies shared a warm hug and Karthick winked at Avi.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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