"I was...I was at her party. It was her birthday. Her name is Heather." He says. He wipes his face clear of tears.

"We need to call your father, 'cause you're a witness." Melissa says. Stiles freezes and he glances back at the boy. He begins to breathe heavy and he spins around in circles.

"What is it?" I ask him.

"Has anyone else been through here tonight? Any-Any other bodies or even anybody missing?" He asks.

"Uh, no, no bodies. But, um..." Melissa stutters.

"What?" Stiles asks.

"Two girls. They brought the first one in, Caitlin, for tox screen. And then I overheard that her girlfriend, Emily, just disappeared. I mean, they were out in the woods and-"

"Nobody's found her yet?" Stiles asks.

"I don't know." Melissa says.

"Okay, first one." Stiles utters.

"Caitlin." Melissa says.

"Okay, is she here? Is she here right now?" Stiles asks urgently.

"I think so." Melissa says.

"Okay, where?" Stiles' shoes squeak against the floor and he tries to make his way to the doors. But Melissa and I slow him down.

"Wait, wait. Just wait a minute." Melissa holds him.

"I have to talk to her." Stiles says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I think I know what's happening." Stiles says. Melissa walks us through the hospital again and we stop outside a private patient room. She knocks at the door before opening it and greeting Caitlin. She soon allows Stiles and I inside.

"Hey, Caitlin. We just wanna talk for a second, is that okay?" Stiles asks. Caitlin nods her head. Melissa stands at the door and looks out the window, keeping watch.

"We weren't doing anything that bad." Caitlin begins. "I mean, I've camped out there plenty of times."

"Right, but why tonight?" Stiles asks.

"We wanted to be alone for one night. Emily lives with her mom, and I have three roommates. Not exactly romantic settings, you know?" Caitlin says.

"How long have you two been together?" Stiles asks.

"Three months." Caitlin smiles.

"And you wanted to make it romantic." I say softly.

"Yeah, you know, because..."

"Because it was her first time." Stiles finishes. Caitlin's face scrunches up and she lets out a sigh.

"They're gonna find her, right? Aren't they?" She asks. Melissa, Stiles and I look among each other. With Stiles' thinking, Caitlin may never see Emily again. That's so sad. She wanted to do something romantic for someone she really cares about and it was just taken away from her in a matter of seconds.

Stiles and I meet Scott at his house. Stiles and I walk into Scott's room and we find him sitting on his bed.

"Hey. What's so important you guys wanted to talk about?" Scott asks.

"The killings happening, Boyd and Cora. It wasn't them." I start.

"So Boyd and Erica might not have killed anyone?" Scott furrows his brows.

"You're gonna wish they did." Stiles says.

"Why?" Scott asks.

"I'm not exactly sure yet." Stiles sighs. "The other girl who was out in the woods, Emily? Eventually, they're gonna find her. She's one of them. Emily, Heather...that guy Lea found at the pool. All three were virgins...And they're gonna have the same three injuries...strangled, throat slashed, head bashed in. It's called the threefold death."

Voices ☽ Teen Wolf {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now