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               𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐥,𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝗼𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚➪2:35 𝐀𝐌

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𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐥,𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝗼𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚➪2:35 𝐀𝐌

"i swear, i have nothing to do with the death of my father. i haven't spoken to him in weeks" i said slamming my hand on the table talking to the investigators.

"please be truthful, are you telling the truth?" investigatior lopez said.

"yes i am, my house was recently burned down and i was left a note. this is my sisters exact writing" i said pulling out the note from my back pocket.

"let me read this real quick" lopez said grabbing the note out of my hand.

she read the note , and looked up and me, then back down at the note.

"my sister, solana. she's been here before i think, i believe she murdered my father to get back at me. i swear i have nothing to do with the death of my father." i told her lifting up my hands and dusting them.

"on the night of the 12th where were you?" she asked me.

"on the 12th i was with my boyfriend , karter. my friend had just dropped her child off at my house for me to babysit. when i came back to my house it was burned down in ashes. i was staying at my friend ari apartment" i said looking her dead in the eye.

"who is this friend you're talking about?"

"ariana valez " i said smiling at her and looking down at my shoes.

"ariana valez has testified against you, saying you did do the crime of your father"

"wait what, no way. i was at her house with her daughter that she left with me" i said raising an eyebrow.

i took out my phone and showed her some pictures that i took with unique on that night. i showed her the dates and tried to clear up some of the things that was going around about me.

"okay, we need to further investigate this murder. you will have to stay here overnight, someone will be with you in just a second." she said packing up her things in a folder.

"okay, when do you think i can actually get out of here?" i asked her.

"never" she mumbled under her breath.

i rolled my eyes and pounded my head on the table. i then stood up and started pacing the room back and forth trying to make sense of the situation.

i quickly became irritated and flipped the table over, threw the chairs at the wall, and smashed the big window right infront of me..

i jumped out of the window and tried to run away but not too long afterwards a police officer caught up to me.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" the police officer yelled behind me.

i ran faster , not looking back and ran right into he bushes.

i looked back for 2 seconds and saw a whole bunch of officers running my way.

before i could climb the tree infront of me, 3 bullets hit me rob my back. i fell off the branch and fell onto the floor.

another bullet his the vein in my arm and the blood, streamed out of my mouth.

"fuck" i groaned in pain.

blood started rushing out my mouth , and i quickly saw black...


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