Chapter 5 - When We Played Tag, You...

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After breakfast, we kept quiet for a while. I was in the blissful state of lying on his chest so that I could hear his heartbeat. Boom-boom-boom. Steady and slow. He was calm. My hands were resting below his heart, as if his chest was my pillow. My pillow it was indeed, especially since he started stroking my hair. So gently that I almost thought his hands were made of silk. I had closed my eyes from the very outset, and now that I was so happily huddled in him, I had no intention of opening them soon.

But suddenly, Sulfus stopped stroking my hair! I opened my eyes to see why. And my eyes found a smiling, tender Sulfus, looking straight at me.

"You did sleep a long time, darling! I was just going to wake you up, since we need to have lunch. It's already noon!"

"I slept?"

"Oh, yes, and what's more, you were talking in your sleep!" Sulfus' smile was now complacent.

"Was I?"

Oops! I hoped that he hadn't heard his name! It was not that I didn't dream about him...

"Yes, I do!"

I gasped. So he knew! He knew that I was dreaming about our wedding ceremony!

"Ha-ha, you were so adorable when you said Yes, I do! Will you be that adorable when we are standing on the aisle, or two-three times more adorable?"

There was no way I wasn't blushing.

"Sulfie, this time we finally did marry! I couldn't believe it! It felt so real! The wind didn't blow me away this time! And everyone was happy for us!"

He stroked my cheek. His eyes were glowing.

"When do you prefer our wedding to be?"

"As soon as possible!"

"As enthusiastic as always, that's my devil girl!" He said, laughing.

I returned to my mission from before the dream. There was no way I was opening my eyes again! And this time, I focused my attention specifically on the drum in his chest, just to make sure that I wasn't going to fall asleep again. Yes, I knew that it was time for lunch, but just for a little while... I needed to listen to that wonderful music for a little while... Was his heart beating a little faster than before?

*Sulfus' POV*

She was quietly smiling. I couldn't look anywhere else. I was enraptured by the sight of her blushing face. But of course. How hadn't I noticed before. She was actually shy all along! Seems contradictory, doesn't it? If you don't know her well, you would say that she is everything but a shy girl. It's just that strength in her voice, whenever she speaks, and that passion for life that you see in her eyes whenever she cares for someone she loves... Who would have thought that this girl, in her vulnerable moments, would be so shy, and not only shy, but shy towards her own husband?

"What are you thinking about? Your heartbeat rate suddenly went up!"

"I'm thinking about you!"

"Oh, Sulfie, you don't have to um... Think about me all the time... It's enough that I think about you every second!"

"You are absolutely right! I don't have to do that! I always do whatever I want, so I want to do that, and here I am, doing what I want!"

"Um, so, what exactly were you thinking? About me, details?"

"Remember how we played tag, back then, before, long before we knew about each other's feelings?"

"Oh, was this the day when we found the Room of Portraits?"

"Exactly! Back then, you started the game, and I followed along!"

"Was it like that? I vaguely remember that day...."

"Me too, I cannot recall everything, but I can tell for sure how your face looked like before I started chasing you, Raf!"

I stopped talking just to take a breath, and then I went on:

"You were so shy when I got you in the hallway! So shy that you almost instantly looked down when I looked at you! And before that, too! Before we started running, I couldn't see your eyes all along, but it was that quick look of yours that you gave me while passing me by that revealed to me that you are indeed a very shy girl!"

*Back to Raf's POV*

His heart was racing. B-boom, b-boom, b-boom, and b-boom! Somehow I got addicted to that rhythm. I was in fairy land!

"Do look at me!"

Okay, enough with the closed eyes. I couldn't ignore the request. After all, it was from Sulfie!

I did look at him, but my head was still resting on his chest. I wasn't going to give up on the concert!

"Just let me look at you for a second," his voice was cracked from emotion.

He blinked, I blinked, none of us said a word. The silence, however, was broken from that racing heartlet of his that ran in his chest. Was it him or me that smiled first, I couldn't say.

"I love you..." the volcano in my soul erupted quietly.

I swore to myself that I would never forget the way his eyes sparkled as he heard those words. He slowly but surely started closing the distance between us. Closer, closer...

It felt like we were kissing for the first time, even though this was far from our first kiss.  

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