Chapter 2 - The Supplication

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*Basilisco's POV*

I knew by telepathy what Angel Raf was thinking about.

She was thinking of all the pain she had to go through so that her love could live.

This made the smile on her face devilish, more devilish than the smile of a devil.

For anyone who hadn't read her thoughts, she would have been deemed happy.

It's incredible. The will power of that girl is awestriking.

It was that smile and those thoughts that made me speak to her.

She deserved it.

"S-s-s-s... What do you want to s-s-kip and what do you want to keep?"

She startled. So she had heard me. But of course. She could use the Flight of Thought.

"Mas-s-ter S-s-s-sulfus can't hear us, right?" I moved on.

"He cannot. I didn't include him in the participants of the conversation when I activated my Flight of Thought. I'm listening to you. What did you mean?"

Master Sulfus mustn't hear us. He wouldn't approve of my offer, and he would have certainly stood against my offer. We would have started an argument, and I would have been too stressed to bite her in the right way, and I would have killed her, and he would have hated me for eternity.

"S-s-swear before that that you will NEVER tell Mas-s-ster S-sulfus of that conversation!"

"Noted. Speak, I'm all ears."

"S-s-s-serpent Basilisco can manipulate your memories with s-s-serpent Basilisco's poison. If there is something that you want to erase, I can make it happen. Erase all the pain, for example."

"So you can, for example, do the following: you can make me forget whatever I choose?"

She raised her eyebrows unbelievingly.

"S-s-kip and keep whatever you want."

Angel Raf stopped for a moment to think it over. I could no longer hear her thoughts. She had evidently blocked me from it. She wanted to think it over privately.

"C-could you possibly... Not only erase the memories, but place different ones? Like, after the transformation, could I possibly have memories of a reality that didn't happen?"

"S-s-serpent Basilisco will try to do that, but it's not 100% sure of success."

"I don't need a perfect success rate! So don't worry! Just try and it is enough for me! Okay, then... Let me tell you my innermost regret. I cannot live with it. I hate everything about my angelic reality. I want to erase it all. But not only that. I want to replace everything that I ever saw and heard in my life with memories of being together with Sulfus, ever since I first saw him. I want to erase all those memories of blank space between us. I... I... I want to be something like reborn. I want to forget who I am. I don't want to be Raf the angel anymore. I want to be just... Sulfus' wife."

"S-s-s... I unders-s-stand. I can help."

"Oh, Basilisco, thank you ever so much! Wow! Thank you! I do not know how I deserved your help..."

"S-s-soul is pure, Basilisco can do something, Basilisco helps."

"I implore you then to erase ALL my memories of my angel life. All of them! And in their place, to have a happily ever after with Sulfus, in which we have become a couple short after we got to know each other!"

Her eyes were glowing with a flame. Now I knew why my master was in love with her.

There was more devil in her than angel.

I loved that.

Breaking the rules was what made my life most exciting!

I was going to give my best so that she would be transformed in the most awful devil girl!

Master Sulfus was going to be proud of me!

The next day, Angel Raf arrived in our room. When she told Master Sulfus all about wanting to become a devil, she never revealed our secret contract. She made it seem as if it was her idea only, which made me happy. It was evident that Master Sulfus knew indeed nothing of my conversation with her.

"Are you sure?" I heard him ask her with suspicion.

"Absolutely! I cannot live like this anymore, anyway. Even if the plan is unsuccessful, it is alright. I prefer my last moments to be full of hope that we are together than live eternally without having you by my side, Sulfie!"

"But I cannot live without you, Raf! I cannot let you be killed just because you wanted to be with me! How will I be able to live without you?"

She won't die! I wanted to cry out to Master Sulfus. But I stopped myself. If I did, he might suspect something. I wanted Master Sulfus to trust me more. Serpent Basilisco was powerful! It would be alright, serpent Basilisco swears!

I cannot wait to see them together! They will be Prince and Princess of Hell!

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