Chapter 4 - Why Are You So Shy?

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When I woke up, Sulfus was still sleeping. I was still in his arms, so no escape was possible! I could sense his steady breaths on my hair. He was deep in sleep.

Why was I so happy to be with him? I'd been with him all along, but why do I feel that this is the first morning in which I wake up in his arms? Would I wake him up, if I just turn around and face him so that I could just grab a quick look at his sleeping face?

Even if I woke him up, I couldn't help it. I HAD to do it! My soul craved for that sight! It was an opportunity that couldn't be ignored!

Slowly. With the smallest motions possible. Not a word. I couldn't even afford to breathe.

And indeed, I forgot to breathe, as I caught a glimpse of him.

How could I discern words to describe his magical face? These curls all of which had a different opinion about the direction which they had to take

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How could I discern words to describe his magical face? These curls all of which had a different opinion about the direction which they had to take. The calmness of the muscles of his face. The closed eyes, which most probably looked at a fairy land, somewhere in a dream. His calm breaths. And these pale lips.

It was not until he opened his eyes that I realized that by coming too close to him, I caused his waking up.

He instantly recognised me and gave me that look:

He instantly recognised me and gave me that look:

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I swiftly turned around again. He was just dreaming. I was still sleeping! He would realize that he was just dreaming and he would sleep again!

"Good morning, darling!" his quiet laugh sounded somewhere in my hair.

I tried to show that I was sleeping.

But when he stretched out for me, I could hide no more.

That is why I just jumped out of the bed and sat down beside it, with my knees on the floor, and I looked at him, and smiled.

There was no sign of his sleepy face. He was wide awake now!!

*Sulfus' POV*

Something tickled my forehead. What was that for?! Another fly?!

I opened my eyes and saw instead of a fly my wife!

Her hair had been touching my face. She was looking at me like that:

W-which was enough to make me want to kiss her!

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W-which was enough to make me want to kiss her!

But just when I tried to do that, she turned around, out of reach for my kiss! But she was still in my arms, ha-ha! But her hair, oh, such a beautiful mess, I wanted to comb it! So I let go of her, and tried to place all her hair on one side only with my left hand. By doing it, just accidentally I... touched the skin of her neck. Accidentally? I doubt so! Ha-ha! Her skin is so smooth...

But then again, she ran away from me! She left me wondering what was happening, until I found her looking at me, kneeling next to the bed.

I stood up, just to lie across the bed, so that my face could face her face.

"Why are you being so shy today, darling? It's me, your husband!!"

"Ah-h! It's just that... I didn't want to wake you up... I was just... Just...."

"Curious to see how I look like when I am asleep?"

"Exactly! Yes, just like that! And you know, you looked so calm in your sleep that I was awfully sorry to have woken you up..."

"Don't worry, if it is you that woke me up, I'm not angry! If it was a fly or something, then it would have ruined my day, but now that it is you..."

I couldn't finish the sentence because the blood was rushing through my body like hell. Words failed to describe my feelings, so the only way out was action!

I grabbed her cheeks. She couldn't escape from my love now!

She didn't. Finally! I got my kiss for today! I'm so proud of myself!

"I... I'm going to the bathroom, must brush my teeth!"

And she disappeared into the bathroom like a squirrel that disappears from your sight when it climbs the tree.

While we were having breakfast, we were standing across from each other, but she didn't look at me at all. Not even once. Her eyes were fixed onto the pancakes, and she was beaming with happiness. I was trying to make her look at me while we were talking, but she only answered to me, with her eyes still on the plate. She was simply adorable. With that face, she only made me love her more than ever.

But it's not Sulfus if he doesn't get what he wants! So I did find a way to make her look at me! When she was done with the breakfast, she stood up, went to the sink and placed the plate in the sink. This was the time for attack! I swiftly took the chance, placed my plate on hers, thus touching her fingers lightly.

She quietly laughed. Just like a princess! If her plan was to go away, I was going to thwart it before she even thought about it!

She turned around, leaving the sink. In no time, she was in my arms, again. Hehe. No escape now until I see her eyes!

There she was! Looking at me! I teased her again:

"Why are you so shy?"

"Um... I don't know what's happening to me when you're around... Sorry!"

The only comment I could ever do on that is...

Simply adorable!

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