Chapter 69 - Mission Impossible

Comenzar desde el principio

"Well we also should go to home world and settle up with the apartment, pay our bills and move our things out," said Katie. "And maybe it's time to talk to our friends and let them know what's been going on with us.

"So there we go, we have a lot to do actually, and no sitting around moping, the boys wouldn't like it."

"I agree. Let's go make a todo list and a schedule," and off they went. I was so proud of them. I knew how much they were hurting, and how worried they were, but they had decided to swallow their fears and do positive things to get through the waiting time.

I realized that Sam and Dean had been very good for them, had given them a confidence and a sense of self that they never really had before. There was no doubt in my mind that not only did the two couples love each other, but the sisterly and brotherly bonds that existed between the siblings had created an unbeatable foursome. I really had to marvel at the turn of fate that had somehow brought them all together.

I got up and found the girls bent over a table In the study making a list. "Girls," I said. "If you are really going to be all right, then I should get on home. You can always get me if you need me, and you know you are always welcome to stay at the house if you need to get away."

"We know Mom, but we want to stay here," said Katie. "But we can go ahead and take you home, whenever you're ready."

Dean's POV

The guy touched my shoulder and all of a sudden I felt like a chuck steak going through a meat grinder. My head was spinning and my legs were shaky, my stomach was trying to get rid of breakfast, and I thought I was suffocating. As soon as I could breathe again I said, "Son-of-a-bitch! What the fuck was that?" When my eyes focused again I found I was holding onto a railing along a wall to keep from falling down. Sammy was right next to me, gasping for breath as well.

"Apologies for the ride," someone was saying. "It's a pretty rough trip travelling through dimensions. As soon as you feel stable enough, please have a seat."

I looked around us, and discovered we were in a strangely shaped room, with two curved walls and two straight, but not parallel walls. The longest curved wall was lined with windows that looked out on a jet black night covered in stars, and… what the fuck, was that two moons? "Where the hell are we?" I asked.

"Please do sit down and all your questions will be answered," said someone I now recognized as the guy named Tarsa. Sam and I made our way shakily to a couple of chairs opposite Tarsa. On each side of him were several large areas of very bright light, too bright to look directly at.

"This will go so much more quickly if you will just allow me to talk. Then you can ask your questions afterwards," he said.

"I understand you may have already managed to gather some information about us and about what is happening here. But I will go over it from the beginning because I am required to, and in order to assure the information you have is correct. Before we begin though, are you starting to feel better? I know how badly one is affected by interdimensional travel when one is corporeal."

"Not really, but please do continue," I said.

Sammy didn't look much better than I felt. He was bending over and holding his stomach. "We'll be fine, just talk," he said.

"Very well. The events unfolding now were set in motion many thousands of your years ago. Your coming has been foretold, and we have watched anxiously as all the necessary factors have been unfolding over the last hundred or so of your years. You are here to fulfill a prophecy."

"Yeah, well, if you've been watching us as closely as you say, you'd know that we don't always live up to expectations when It comes to prophecies," I said, still having some trouble talking.

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