Chapter 35 - Elely

Start from the beginning

It will be fine.
You need to see Elely.

Your hair whips in the wind and you feel something.
You stop mid-air...could that be...him?

You close off everything...sealing away all of your senses.
To focus on him, on his power...his scent.

Then it hits you...there he is.

You know exactly where he is, but you cannot go to him.

He will be with the others...there's no way you would stand against them all...they believe you to be a traitor after all.

So you shoot off.

As you do, you feel something else...something sinister.'s not sinister.
It's Galand.

You fly faster, your wings beating with enough strength to get you to Camelot in no time.

Once you find them, you quickly jump down to meet them.

"(Y/N)!" Meli shouts happily, embracing you.
You look around trying to find her.

"Mum!" Two arms wrap around you.

You envelop the girl with a hug but have to pull away quickly. was right.

She is my height...with long blonde hair, tied up.

She seems to have my curves but she still looks just like Meliodas, you giggle as you realise your daughter is just Meliodas with boobs. And then tears start dripping down your face as you grab hold of her.

"Elely" you say.

"Is that...thunder?" you hear someone say and immediately are in protect mode.

"'s Galand"

"What?" Elely shouts.

"Sorry to cut the reunion short, my dear...but we have an asshole to deal with"

"What about Bellion?" Meli asks softly.

"He's looking after Ban, Veron and King for me" you smile at Meli and he nods.

Then it happens.

A beam of light shoots to the ground, creating a massive impact with the ground.

"Seventy-two steps, eh?"

" this?" Diane says softly.

"I thought it would only take me 70 steps to get here, but I'm out of practice after 3000 years!"

You instinctively stand in front of your daughter.

"Galand!" Meli shouts, standing in front of Elizabeth.

"It's been a while, Meliodas...Oh! And look...(Y/N)...Zeldris would be so happy to know you are here" you growl at him.

You never really liked Galand.

"To think after all this time you'd still be in that form" he laughs at Meli.

"H-How can there be a monster like this in the world?" Diane asks, stepping back.

You notice his overpowering aura.

Even with your new demonic powers which you haven't used in so long...your control over them has lessened dramatically...truth is, you're weak...much weaker than Galand even in HIS weakened form.
It makes your blood boil.

"Merlin...It seems like my magical eye is broken..." Hawk states.

"Why's that?" Merlin asks.

"I mean, this can't be right, can it? A power level of...26 000?"

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