10. Descendant of Chaos

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~ Two Year Later (after the events of MK 9)

It's been a long time since the death of Shao Kahn. Raiden ultimately was granted power by the Elder gods just before he could be defeated and killed by Shao Kahn in results of his failure of protecting Earthrealm, or at least its champions. With the evil emperor now gone, it didn't take long for Outworld to take on its new leader, Mileena. That is until its general stepped up to take the mantle of Outworld's Kahn despite the daughter of the Shao Kahn's refusal to give it up. Though there are others out there who despise Mileena of being its Kahn like Reptile, Ermac, and the grotesque Kytinn, D'Vorah, considering that she is not really a true heir to the throne but as a construct Tarkatan version of Kitana from Shang Tsung's Flesh Pits experiments. There may not be any realms being conquered for the time being by Outworld, but there is a war for its rightful ruler between Mileena and its current emperor, Kotal Kahn, which is still causing ruins for its people.

(Time Skip ~ Shirai Ryu Compound)

At the Shirai Ryu Compound in Earthrealm, punches and kicks were thrown to a dummy and kunais were being thrown around to dummies around the training arena. Flare appeared from using her teleporting power as a part of her self-training. From the time of Earthrealm's victory, Flare trained herself in controlling her powers and rebuilding the compound and the Shirai Ryu. Unfortunately, Scorpion was not around her for a long time as she overcame Quan Chi's magic of being a servant to him. With the goal of getting her friend back from Quan Chi's magic, she allied herself with Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage in the Special forces as they allied themselves with Raiden in protecting Earthrealm. After hours of training kombat, Flare drew back her katana to her back and exited the training arena to the Fire Gardens at the edge of the compound. As she walks to the Fire Gardens, she kneeled in front of Harumi and Satoshi's graves to pay her respects to them.

"Don't worry Harumi," Flare assured, as she placed her hand on the floor. "Your husband will come back. I promise to bring him back home and help him find the peace he deserves."

Nearby was a energy surge of a circle being formed at the entrance of the compound. Flare climbed up to one of the towers in the compound and saw that it was Kotal Kahn and some Outworlders (D'Vorah, Erron Black, Reptile, Ermac) with him. Before they could enter the compound, Flare teleported somewhere near them to plan a sneak attack and prepared to arm herself to halt their approach.

"Is it really necessary to enter the Shirai Ryu Compound, Kotal?" Reptile questioned. "What difference would it make even if the Special Forces did help us?"

"Do not question our emperor's matters, Reptile," D'Vorah intervened before her emperor could answer him. "We may not know whether they will or not, but we will do whatever needs to be done for Outworld and to be rid of Mileena."

"We are on Reiko accords with Earthrealm and the Special Forces," Kotal Kahn replied. "We are to come to discussion before any conflict is to be made."

Before they could enter the compound, a large flame ball was thrown between the entrance of the compound and the incoming Outworlders. Being armed for precautions, Flare walked towards the Outworlders as the fire descended in the air. 

"Return to Outworld, Kotal Kahn," Flare demanded. "You have no business in Earthrealm."

"We mean no harm, Flare," Kotal Kahn said, with his hand up to hold his arms down. "We are only here to upon requesting for help in our intent to end our Rebellion with Mileena and rebuilding our realm."

"And how is that to our concern, Emperor?" Flare questioned. "Your people and war nearly ended our people, champions, and our realm."

"Whatever Shao Kahn has done to cause loss in your realm, I assure you that I am not him," Kotal Kahn answered. "We are only here to speak with Special Forces to only hopefully gain allies to help end our rebellion so that our realm can be rebuilt in peace."

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