4. The Growth of the Shirai Ryu

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~ 6 Years Later ~

As time flew by, Raya worked and trained hard every day and night to get stronger and faster. No matter what time day or what weather condition it was, Raya would be practicing her strikes using kendo sticks and her combo moves using a dummy. One day, she and Master Hasashi were sitting down in the throne room, drinking some tea after a long day of training.

"You're skills have gotten better. I have not seen a warrior train as hard as you," Master Hasashi complimented.

"I learned from the best, Master Hasashi" Raya thanked, bowing her head down to show him her gratitude and respect. "Forgive me for my claims, Master Hasashi, but I think Hanzo should also learn how to fight combat."

"Raya, I mean no scolding and I have also spoke this with my son a few years ago," Master Hasashi retorted. "But I told him that he shouldn't only because it is for his own safety."

"I know you miss your wife," Raya comforted. "But he also misses his mother. I gave him my side of his story in learning combat, but after my parents died, I realized that the path I would be taking would be dangerous and risky. But I saw the point of learning combat would also mean that I will be able to protect the people I care about and bring peace among them."

"Even if your parents died, Raya, would you even go after the people who killed them?" Master Hasashi asked.

"I may be adopted, but I would've got the people who killed them the "justice" they deserve," Raya answered. "Speaking of justice, one day Hanzo may be the next headmaster of the Shirai Ryu and may even have a family of his own. I'm pretty sure as headmaster and a father, you would understand. I apologize for my interference with your demands, but I think your son should also learn combat."

After hearing Raya's wisdom in her words, he thought about it deeply of what his son would be face to get in his position. But despite his fears, he allowed his son to learn and follow in his footsteps.

As the days go by, Hanzo trained with Raya and spent their time practicing their moves. They fence each other with kendo sticks and strike their fists and their kicks against each other through martial arts.

~6 months later ~

After training for hours, weeks, and months, Master Hasashi decided to set up a duel of Raya against Hanzo to see who is ready to lead the clan. Both warriors were on a bench warming up and wishing them luck before their duel could start.

"Better not go easy on me, Hanzo," Raya taunted. "I may be your best friend, but this may be for real."

"I won't, Raya," Hanzo commented. "By the way, thanks for talking to my dad about me learning all of this. I've been trying to convince my dad, but I knew what he would say."

"Anytime," said Raya.

From across their bench, a Shirai Ryu ninja approached them with an announcement.

"The grandmaster summons for you both at the courtyard," said the Shirai Ryu ninja. Both warriors nodded their heads and the ninja back at them before departing.

"Good luck, my friend," Raya wished, offering her hand to Hanzo.

"You too," Hanzo wished as he took her hand.

At the courtyard, both warriors gave their space and they prepare to engage. Raya pulled out her right hand out and folded her left hand into a fist back while Hanzo raised and pulled back a fist back and a hand low parallel to his fist. Master Hasashi yelled out "Fight" which Raya lunged towards Hanzo to high kick him but he dodged it. From his dodge, Hanzo tried to punch Raya by the shoulder but she dodged his move.

After avoiding their combos, they began striking their punches against each other which they both kept on blocking. Later than she knew she felt her arms getting weak until she felt the pain from Hanzo's uppercut fist. She flew upwards until gravity pulled her back down. Before she could even try to lift herself back up, Hanzo walked towards Raya while watching her struggle to continue to fight.

"I yield," Raya declared.

"Then it is settled!" Master Hasashi announced. Hanzo then offered Raya his hand which Raya grabbed to lift herself back up. Then, the warriors walked upwards their master and kneel down to their knees.

"Hanzo, my son. You are now headmaster of the Shirai Ryu," Master Hasashi declared, bowing his head down to his son. "You have shown to be worthy to take my place as Headmaster and rule the Shirai Ryu."

"But father..." Hanzo interjected. Master Hasashi then asked his son to stand up and ended up giving him a hug to congratulate him. Knowing how proud his father and Raya is of him and his achievement, he couldn't help be proud of himself either. "I won't let you down, father."

Raya then walked up to him and gave her best friend a hug.

"You stood your ground, Hanzo," Raya complimented. "So little time and yet you become more stronger and faster than I am."

"I guess I did," Hanzo agreed. "You okay though? Do you want to get checked? I did hit you really hard."

"Nah, I think i'm good," Raya answered. "Congratulations, my friend!"

"You know the new headmaster and the clan could use a second in command, especially if we are to build our clan stronger," Hanzo offered.

"You do make a good fit for the role, Raya," Master Hasashi agreed. "After all, you have a lot of experience in combat which more of our ninjas could use more training."

"What do you say, Master Ni?" Hanzo asked, giving his hand to Raya.

"It would be an honor, Grandmaster Hasashi," Raya answered, grabbing his hand and shake it.

As time passed, Raya and Hanzo worked together to build up their clan and make it stronger. Many men joined the clan and worked and trained hard to improving their fighting and sword skills. During their time in leading and trading in the men, Hanzo met and saved a beautiful woman in their village of their compound name Harumi from getting harmed by a bunch of hobos. Later did they know, they fell in love, got married, and bared a son named Satoshi.

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