5. Bloodshed

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~ 8 Years Later ~

Raya and Hanzo lived their lives happily over the years as being its leaders of the Shirai Ryu, especially for Hanzo being a husband and a father. On a warm evening, Hanzo asked Raya to come over to their house,which is close to their palace to guard and help Harumi at her house and cook dinner, which she did not hesitate. From his offer, Hanzo took his son out to run an errand and show him something special.

"Raya, I don't know how to thank you enough for coming over to help me with making dinner," Harumi thanked.

"It is my pleasure, Harumi," Raya added. "You are more like a sister than a friend to me anyways. Even if I'm just your husband's best friend."

"Oh, you are so much more than that, Raya," Harumi insisted, offering her hand to Raya, which she took. "You are also Satoshi's aunt. And you will always be a part of this family."

Raya smiled and opened her arms and closed them when Harumi was around her. They then released their arms for Harumi to set up the table. Raya walked up to the cabinet to get the bowls until Raya heard pain screams and swords clashing outside of the house.

Raya slowly walked outside to see what was the commotion. By the time she opened the outside door and Harumi was by the kitchen door, there was nobody to be seen but ninja bodies and blood splattered.

After seeing the corpses around the compound, a loud thud was heard from the roof of the house Raya was in. She turned around only to see Harumi gone and Lin Kuei warriors raising their swords at her. Before they could strike, Raya grabbed a bowl that was near her and threw it at one Lin Kuei warrior. She then grabbed her katana that she hid under the table and kicked it to the other warrior, which knocked him unconscious.

But then Harumi screamed in agony and Raya ran as fast as she could. She reached her and Hanzo's room, but the only thing she saw was her body lying on the ground with blood flowing the room. Her eyes were beginning to get wet, but she quickly wiped them off and ran outside with the guilt she had to carry. Once she got outside of the house, she continued to slicing and striking more Lin Kuei warriors who approached her, but she quickly killed them.

She closed her katana by her belt and quickly climbed up to the house rooftops. From afar, Raya spotted Hanzo carrying Satoshi on his back while running back to the house.

"Crap!" Raya thought. "I should get to Hanzo to warn him of the Lin Kuei but I guess I should take care of them that could be following them for Satoshi's sake."

She continued to run rooftops and catch every Lin Kuei warrior on her sight. From behind Hanzo's back, there were a few Lin Kuei warriors following Hanzo. One by one, she silently pierced their hearts with her katana until she got up with a duel with one challenging warrior. Luckily, she striked his arms and legs until he kneeled to the ground for her to cut his head and kick his body to the ground. From where she stood, she did not spot any more Lin Kuei warriors, so she continued to return to his house to see if Hanzo and Satoshi were there and okay.

When she finally reached the house, she only heard small cries which lead her to Hanzo's room. She saw Satoshi by the slide door, in shocked by crying at the same time while Hanzo was on his knees grieving for his wife as he looked at her bloodied corpse. She approached Satoshi and he quickly ran towards her to hug her and hide from his mother's body, which she quickly embraced. She slowly approached Hanzo which she can tell that he was hurt and crying softly until he felt her hand on his shoulder.

"Hanzo... I'm sorry," Raya teared with her voice cracking. "I'm sorry that I couldn't safe your wife on time. I should've just stayed with her. But more of the Lin Kuei just came and ambush and slaughter most of our men. They even got in her before I could even follow Harumi."

But Hanzo touched her hand as he got on his feet and turned around to look at Raya and Satoshi. With so much grief was anger, Hanzo created a fist, which Raya could tell what that means.

"Raya, I need you to do something for me," Hanzo asked.

"Anything, Hanzo," Raya replied.

"I need you to take Satoshi and get him out of the compound and take him as far as you can until it is safe," Hanzo demanded.

"Hanzo, Satoshi already lost his mother," Raya protested. "He can't afford to lose his father. Come with us. There's still time before more comes."

"Raya, please," Hanzo begged, grabbing her shoulder. "Do it for me. Do it for Harumi and my son." As much as she wanted to deny his request, she nodded for the sake of his child's safety. He then walked slowly walked toward Satoshi, who was still in tears and frightened of what is about to happen.

"Satoshi, you need to go with Aunt Raya," Hanzo directed. "She'll take care of you and make sure you're safe until I come back to get you. Just stay close to Aunt Raya."

"No, papa," Satoshi cried. "Please, papa! Don't leave me! Come with us!"

Raya then took her arms to grab Satoshi's legs to carry him and began running but he screamed for his father. Later than he know, more Lin Kuei warriors approached Hanzo, which fueled him with nothing but anger and rage after looking at his wife.

Both Raya and Satoshi heard his yelling, but she continued to carry Satoshi until she reached to the horse pens. Raya put Satoshi on the ground and quickly grabbed a horse and prep it. Despite his frightened tears, he quickly ran towards Raya and she carried him onto the horse before she got on the horse to ride it to the gates of the compound.

"Papa will be okay, right?" Satoshi cried as he held on the horse.

"Everything is going to be okay, Satoshi," Raya assured as she held the rope as her arms were also around Satoshi. "I promise, when everything is over, we will come back for your father."

As they rode towards the exit, the entrance of the gates were then blasted with ice, which then flipped their horse and causing Raya and Satoshi to fall. As Raya began to get up, she quickly crawled towards Satoshi to make sure he wasn't hurt. But then she spotted a man with cold air coming from his hands walking towards them.

"Satoshi, are you okay," Raya asked, placing her hand on his arm. "Are you hurt?"

"No, Aunt Raya," Satoshi answered as he was getting up on his feet. But the man kept on waking near them. "Aunt Raya, what is that?"

"RUN, Satoshi!" Raya exclaimed. "Hide!"

Raya pulled out her katana and raised it towards the man who then created an icicle sword from his right hand.

"Explain yourself!" Raya yelled.

"I am Sub-Zero, grandmaster of the Lin Kuei!"said the man.

"For the Shirai Ryu!" Raya yelled as she ran towards Sub-Zero with her katana.

"For the Lin Kuei!" Sub-Zero yelled as he blasted icicles at Raya while running. But Raya striked the icicles before she started piercing at Sub-Zero as they both collided.

They clashed their swords and avoided their strikes until they collided their swords against each other.

"You will not get the boy!" Raya yelled in rage.

"Yet you followed your rage to your doom!" Sub-Zero yelled.

He then pushed her sword back and punched her in the stomach with his iced hand, which she ended up letting go of her katana. As she got up on her feet, Sub-Zero quickly touched her chest and frozed it with ice. While she screamed in pain, he punched her chest only for him to rip out her heart and freezing it before crushing it. Once her heart was out, all Raya could feel was her body struggling to move as her pain and her soul slowly departing. She reached out her hand out to crawl but her eyes were getting weepy. The only thing she could see was her failure to protect her niece as Sub-Zero walked away as her blood was flowing from her body until darkness passed her.

Fight Fire with Fire: A Mortal Kombat FanFiction StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora