↳˳⸙ Chapter 2

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Amaranthine PoV

The discovery of Athy's love for gold was a welcomed one. That wasn't a bad case at all.

As it made us think of a plan for it. We collected all of the gold and jewels that we came across at. Then used pouches to fill them with it.

They're 5 years old now. Athanasia confronted me about my intelligence and asked if she too, was an reincarnation when they were 4.

To say that she was shocked was an understatement, but she answered her truthfully and said that she was. Well, not really truthfully. Because she won't tell her that she had lived 3 lives and my soul was always dragged with her. A very powerful and maybe even ancient magic.

After that, our relationship became easy going. She confided me that this world was a story from a famous novel. To which I pretended that I was shocked about the information. Maybe writing a book was a bad idea after all.

We both made plans about escaping the castle when we're old enough. Truthfully, she thinks that meeting her father before 9 was a good idea. But she immediately rejected my idea. Well, she can't really blame her if she was scared for her life.

But her gut was always right. Change was possible, it's about our actions in the near future. Because this isn't a book, it's real life after all.

All of the staff inside the Ruby Castle is mostly on our side now. Well, on the side of our cute looks...

"Nanny! Nanny! Athy wants chocolate!"

I stayed back with a pout, watching as Athy effortlessly used her cute baby face for her undying love of chocolate.

I'm mostly known by the maids as the calm and wise twin sister. Always at her side unless I was distracted by a good book.

Athy was known as the energetic and bubbly twin sister. What we have in common, was our cute faces.

"Athy~ that's bad! Lily says we can't have sweets though!"

I finally intervened on the two maids and her sister. But she was persistent and tugged on both their clothes with her eyes wide open.


I just sighed when both of them gave her the chocolates in return. Guess they can't win against the sparkle of their jeweled eyes.

I walked towards my sister and held out my hand while smiling shyly at her.

"Please share some of it, Athy~"

I would be an idiot if I also didn't use my looks to my advantage. But this was rarely used so when I did it, the effect is always immediate.

Watching my sister shield her eyes from the sparkles that she explained I have. I smiled in victory, and she gave me half of what she had.

The feeling of someone's fingers poking  my head was sudden and I heard my sister's voice.

"That's just unfair, Amy~"

This made me smirk slyly at her before answering back.

"Well what can I do? I'm just this powerful, aren't I?"

She cutely pouted, making me smile at her. When we finished eating. Athy was covered in chocolate and that made me facepalm.

"Athy, I'm sure we'll get caught by Lily in this rate.."

I was clean, and that always made my sister think it's unfair.

Thankfully, the maid, Hannah, noticed this and immediately cleaned her face off the smudges.

"Are you two going to go and get flowers?"

Athy hummed in agreement to her question while I only nodded at her.

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