↳˳⸙ Chapter 14

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❝ Painful Attempts ❞

Amaranthine P O V


"Yes, Athy?"

I responded to her call. We were left alone in the lounge after we finished changing our clothes. Currently waiting for the man who cured us, He was doing something we have no clue about.

"Do you have dreams with Lady Fairy?"

"Lady Fairy? Who... You mean the pretty lady who sings and dance so beautifully?"

She nodded at my description. So she does have dreams with her. Wonder why it took this long for her to share, she always shares those kinds of things before. But I have no time to sulk, not when she's looking at me so intently for my answer.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?", I straightly asked her. I don't like beating around for answers, I need them now.

"..Do you think.. she's our mom?"

She asked softly. Quietly looking down at her hands as she thinks of something in her mind. I furrowed my eyebrows as I asked for clarification.

"Why do you think so? Did something happen?"

I want her to be honest with me. Then I'll also tell her this heavy burden that I've been carrying since long ago.

"I saw Daddy.. and Lady Fairy in my dream before I woke up.. They were fighting I guess.."

Athanasia explained softly, like she only wanted for me to hear. But I understood either way. So I leaned back to the couch as I sighed tiredly. Making my sister look up and stare at me.

"It's Daddy's memories. Those dreams... about Mommy."

I finally answered her. Athy only nodded in response, also leaning her back on the couch as she was in her thoughts again. I didn't think that she's ask more. This little information is already making us dread and think things through.

"Athanasia.", I called her full name, which immediately got my sister's attention. We rarely call each other in our full names. I think it's been a long time since we've called each other that, using our nicknames instead.

"I have to tell you something... Concerning about how we came here."

"What? How do you know that?"

She asked in shock. But kept her cool as she wanted to hear my answer.

"It's because of y-"

I was about to explain, but all of a sudden I felt my breath hitch. I can't breath! Why now?! What's happening?! I clutched my chest as I tried my best to breath. My whole senses was a mess and I didn't know why.

I can vaguely hear Athanasia shouting my name in panic. Then it stopped. I took a deep breath and look up to see Lucas, with his hands hovering over me as he used some spell I don't know about.

When he confirmed that I was fine now. My sister jumped and hugged me tightly, I hugged her back just as tight. I watched Lucas sigh and sit on the opposite couch.

"Don't speak about what you were about to say. It seems like you have restrictions."

His words made my eyes widen, looking at him for confirmation. But he doesn't lie about such things, so I looked down to my hands and sighed deeply.

Is it her magic that restrains me from telling her? Is she still not ready? When am I allowed to say this? I don't want to hide this for so long.

Athanasia looked really worried as she looks up to me. I smiled softly and roughly patted her head, earning an squawk in protest. She was going to ask about what Lucas talked about. I hope she understands that I can't tell her yet.

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