"No, it's not. We wanted to talk to you Alex." Aria says calmly.

"Okay? So talk. But can we make it quick? I'm meeting Zac in 30 minutes." Alex replies.

I roll my eyes as she says this and she catches it.

"Is there a problem Ali?"

"Nope. Not at all." I say sarcastically.

"Really? Because it looked to me like you have something you'd like to say."

Her attitude just angers me even more. Why am I even friends with this girl again? Her attitude sucks.

"You know what, actually, there is something I'd like to say." I reply.

"Ali don't." Aria pleas but I ignore her and continue on my rant.

"Ever since you started dating Zac, you've become a totally different person. You're inconsiderate and make out with your boyfriend in OUR room. The room me and Aria live in too and have to deal with you and your boyfriend thinking it's your own place. You never hang out with us anymore. You hardly talk to us. You're always on your phone or always with him. You don't even care about anything but him anymore. I don't know where my friend went but I miss her. And I certainly don't want to be friends with this bitch that's replaced her."

"Ali!" Aria scolds.

"A bitch? You think I'm a bitch? How about you? You're not exactly the best person to be around either. You act like the most innocent person in the world and have people fooled thinking that you're this perfect goodie two-shoes. You're not. You're negative. You're always sad. You're not even a good friend. You can't even be happy for me and my relationship. You can't even pretend to be happy for me! You're a horrible friend. You're probably jealous of my relationship with Zac. You probably wish you could be in my position and be with him. And kiss him. And be his girl. Just admit it Ali. You want him. And don't even try to lie to me and say you don't. You suck at hiding your true feelings." Alex says.

I'm left speechless. Which doesn't happen quite often. I can't even look at her anymore. I officially hate her.

But why? She's just telling you the truth.

"You know what? Screw you Alex. Do whatever the hell you want. But I'm done being your friend." I say as I head for the door.

"Good. I never liked you much anyways." She replies cockily.

I choose to be the bigger person and just walk out. She's not worth it. I'm going to have to find a new place to sleep.

As I'm walking down the hall, I bump into the second person I don't want to see right now.

"Whoa. You better watch where you're going." He says arrogantly which only angers me even more.

"I don't have time for your crap right now Zac. So just move." I snap.

He notices this time I'm not messing around and his face softens.

"Ali what's wrong?"

I roll my eyes. "As if you care. Just move out of my way." I try getting around him but he steps in front of me and holds my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

"Hey. Of course I care. I'm sorry about everything that's happened but it doesn't mean that I've stopped caring about you. I'll always care babe. You know that." He says sweetly.

"Don't call me that. I'm not your 'babe.' You can't just ignore me for a month and expect things to go back the way it was before. I've missed you. I've needed you. But you weren't there." I confess.

Zac looks over my shoulder to make sure no ones around. His eyes meet mine once more. "This isn't the best place to talk. Let's go back to my room and talk. Please. My roommates are gone. We'll have some privacy. I miss my best friend."

I can't say no to those beautiful blue eyes. Reluctantly, I nod and we head to his dorm.

Once we reach his dorm, I settle on the couch and so does he. There's an awkward silence until he breaks it.

"So I hear you're dating Jay."


"How's that going?"


"Do you love- "

I don't let him finish his sentence. "Zac don't pretend like you care."

"Of course I care babe."

"Don't call me babe." I snap. When I see his hurt face, my face softens. I sigh. "No I don't love him."

"Oh how come?" He asks sounding intrigued.

"I don't know. Something just missing between us." My eyes look deeply into his. "I guess he's just not the right guy for me."

Zac slowly moves closer to me. The smell of his cologne envelopes me and I'm suddenly on cloud nine.

"Yeah? And who is?" He says as he comes closer.

The smart part of me knows not to fall for this. Not after what happened.

"Zac you can't just try to kiss me after all that's happened. You totally left me. You cut me out of your life. How could you do that? Then on top of it all, you and your stupid bitch of a girlfriend would rub your relationship in my face. Did you do that in spite of me? Did you do that to anger me? To upset me? Because if you did, good job, you accomplished your goal. You also managed to hurt me in the process. I hope you're happy because frankly I'm not happy at all." I say as I look into his eyes.

"Babe you broke my heart. You have no idea what you do to me. All those times that I've seen you when I was with Alex, my heart would itch to be with you. I know I'm not with the right girl. She's so clingy and we don't have much in common. She's changed so much and she's turned into someone I really can't handle being with any longer. I've been wanting to break up with her but the truth is the reason why I've been with her for so long is so that I can see you more. You're the right girl for me babe. My feelings for you haven't lessened in any way. When I found out you were with Jay, it took everything in me not to go up to him and beat the crap out of him. You're my girl. Not his. Mine."

With that, he leans in and kisses me. Wow, have I missed this. Kissing him feels so right. I should be with him. I know I should. He's mine. But one thought crosses my mind.

"You've been wanting to break up with her?" I say excitedly.

He chuckles. "Yeah, she's been driving me insane."

"Good! She's such a bitch."

"What happened babe? Want to talk about it?" He asks as he puts a piece of my hair behind my ear.

I shake my head no and lean in and kiss him again. My finger tangle in his soft hair. I'm on cloud nine right now. I've missed this handsome man so much.

With that thought, there's a knock at the door.

"Zac! Can you please open up? I really need to talk to you." I hear Alex's voice on the other side of the door.

If this was any other day, I'd panic and feel bad about it but right now I don't care.

Zac pulls away from me and looks at the door.
"I should probably get that."

As he's getting up, I pull him back down with his shirt and slam my lips to his. I don't care about Alex on the other side of the door. I don't care about anything right now except for this man in front of me.

With that in mind, our kiss gets more heated while Alex is still on the other side of the door.

Eat your heart out bitch. He's mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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