summer special ☀️🌺

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"Aru, stop eating all the food!"

"I don't care," she replied in a muffled voice. Her mouth was so full of brownies, her cheeks were starting to look like a chipmunk's. "I eat what I want."

Aiden took her by the elbow and pulled her away from the table. "C'mon, Shah."


Summer break had finally arrived, and the Potatoes decided to celebrate with an outing at the swimming pool. Even Rudy showed up, despite his disliking (read: fear) of deep water. Brynne had told everyone she'd bring food, but no one was expecting all the brownies. She probably brought enough of those little brown cakes to feed five different families. Aru was eating them all, though, so maybe two families.

"Aru, stop eating," Mini scolded. "You're going to spoil your dinner."

"The brownies are dinner."

"You're gonna get sick," Aiden chimed in. "I would stop eating if I were you."

"Thankfully, you're not me," said Aru after she popped another brownie in her mouth. "Who wants to swim now?"

Mini's eyes widened in alarm. She violently shook her head. "NO! After you eat, you have to wait at least thirty minutes to digest. You can't go swimming after eating that much!"

Rudy barked a laugh from his lawn chair. "Loosen up, Mini! Aru's not going to die."

"Aru, don't go--"

But it was too late. Aru had already dived in the pool with a massive splash, hugging her knees to her chest.

She cheered. "That was cool."

Brynne grinned. "Try me."

She transformed into a gorilla twice her size, sprinted to the edge of the pool, extended her muscled limbs out like a starfish, and hit the water in a massive belly flop. The clear, chlorinated liquid flew up into the air and rained on everything in its path--including the brownies.

Aru glared at now-human Brynne. "Why did you do that? The brownies are all wet now!"

"Meh, the sun will dry them off. I can just make more anyway."


Mini waded cautiously into the water until only her head was visible above the surface. "Aiden! Rudy!" she called. "Come in! Just make sure you put sunscreen on!"

"I'll pass," Aiden replied, snapping a picture of a nearby tree.

"Aiden," Aru groaned. "You're no fun. C'mon, just come in for a little bit!"

"No thank you."

"Nothing will happen to dear little Shadowfax; don't worry."

"Sometimes, I get the feeling that Aiden likes Shadowfax more than me," said Rudy.

"I do."


"C'mon guys, get in the water," Brynne ordered. "Why is it only the boys that don't want to swim?"

"They must be too scared," Aru grinned.

"I am not scared," Rudy and Aiden protested in unison.

"Then what's the matter?"

"Nothing's the matter! In fact, I'm coming in right now!" Rudy marched into the pool, nearly toppling Mini over.

"Rudy, watch where you're going," Mini glared at him.

"Sorry, sorry."

"Aiden, come on!"

He sighed and removed Shadowfax from his neck. "Fine, fine."

"Finally, took you long enough."

"Let's play volleyball!" Brynne shouted.

And so they did. It was Brynne and Aru on one team, Aiden and Mini on the other. A unanimous decision was made that Rudy would be the cheerleader because he had no idea how to play (LOL).

Halfway into their tenth game, Aru crossed her arms in a T. "Timeout," she said, wheezing. "I need a break."

Brynne glared at her. "Weak. You're going to leave me to fend for myself?"

"Yep. Look, the sun's starting to set! We've been playing for, like, hours."

"Actually, we should start packing up," Mini said. "It's getting late."

"You guys are no fun," Brynne scowled.

"C'mon, Bee," Aiden stepped out of the water. She reluctantly followed after him.

Aru walked over to the lawn chairs. "Ugh," She arched her back. "I'm tired. I don't think I've used my muscles like that in years."

Aiden laughed. "I'm surprised all those brownies didn't stimulate you enough." He handed her a towel. "Here."

"Thanks." She realized with a start that it was only the two of them now. The rest of their friends were packing the beach balls and the remainder of the brownies into her mom's car. She looked out at the setting sun, a beautiful, warm painting in the sky. "It looks pretty, doesn't it?" she asked awkwardly in a poor try at small talk.

Aiden looked at her and snapped a picture. "Yeah," he said. "It does."

a/n here's the summer special! slightly overdue, but better late than never i guess lol

what do you guys usually do or did during summer break? im an anti social potato, so you'll find me holed up in my room with a book with a glass of lemonade :)

*whispers* also, im working on a new au 🤫

love you guys, see you next wednesday!

-abbizzzz ❤️

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