keeping up with the potatoes: brynne rao

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@abbizzzz: Heyo! We're back with another interview for "Keeping Up with the Potatoes!" Today we have Brynne Rao, reincarnation of Bhima. Hi Brynne!

Brynne: Hi.

@abbizzzz: Alright, first question. So, it's no mystery that you like to cook. Why do you like cooking so much, and what is your favorite dish to cook?

Brynne: I like cooking because, um, gods, I've never thought about it. I guess I just like being able to create a masterpiece and having complete control over the process. And food is awesome. Favorite dish? Umm, I honestly don't know. There's too many to choose from! Umm, Aiden says I make good lasagna. Maybe that? I also like making a dish called Chicken Makhani. It's basically chicken cooked in spiced tomato sauce. 

@abbizzzz: OOOOOO. That sounds good. I want foOoOoOod now.

@abbizzzz: Next question. Who do you trust most in life? And you can only choose one person.

Brynne: Um, gosh. Um . . . I can only choose one person?

@abbizzzz: Yeah.

Brynne: Hmm. I trust all my friends, but if I had to pick one, I'd say Aiden. Only because we've known each other for so long. But I trust all my friends. 

@abbizzzz: Yeah, I think anyone would have a hard time with that question.

@abbizzzz: So, this is a bit of a deeper question. Not everyone may know this, but you're bisexual.

Brynne: Yeah.

@abbizzzz: If you're comfortable with sharing, can you walk me through how this came to be and how you feel about it?

Brynne: Yeah sure. I honestly don't know how it happened. I mean, I didn't just wake up one day and declare that I wanted to be bi. I guess it kinda just . . . happened. And I don't know if I necessarily feel better or worse per se, but I guess I just feel more complete? I'm not sure entirely. But I have no regrets. 

@abbizzzz: That's understandable. So, I have one last question. And this one's not in the script. 

Brynne: *grins* Shoot.

@abbizzzz: Name one person you can strangle right now.


@abbizzzz: *sarcasm* Sorry, can you say that a little louder?

Brynne: OOPPAALL!! 

@abbizzzz: Holy cow. You might break the windows.

Brynne: So yeah, I'd strangle Opal.

@abbizzzz: I think you've made that painfully clear.

Brynne: Heh.

@abbizzzz: Bye guys!! *waves*

a/n  heyyy! why do i feel like i haven't updated this book in forever?? lol.


i have a new original book out!! it's called The Queen Bee.

it is a teen fiction/young adult novel about a popular girl falling for the school's biggest outcast.

the book does have a little swearing in it, so if that's not your cup of tea, then you don't have to read it.

but i would appreciate it if y'all checked it out!

thanks <3

-abbizzzz <3

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