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They both shook off the simulation and Lauren laughs at the time on the screen. "That is definitely, definitely your fastest time yet, Eric." She said and Eric had already re-composed his expressions again, and Lauren set it to follow Tempest's now.

Max shot the serum into Tempest's neck first and then Eric's, as the two looked at each other and Eric nodded at her. "Good luck." Max said and she nodded quick, as they both now walk together back into the fear room.

"I have a feeling that some of them might change." Tempest warned and Eric shrugged his shoulders as around them, the room fell away into the first fear.

She found that she was being strapped to a table and was unable to move. She looked around at their surroundings, as now she saw quick that all of the mad scientists moved towards her, with different needles and scalpels in their hands and she let out a muffled growl. "Is she really a Dauntless, or is she just a girl pretending to be one?" One of the scientists growled and she saw that one of the straps was loose on her wrist. She suddenly out of nowhere, exploded up and started beating the scientists, as they were all going down like target practice for her. When more came racing down the stairs, Tempest prepared to fight again, only for Eric to start beating the shit out of them, also using the scalpels and needles as other weapons. They both stood over their enemies' unconscious bodies, as Tempest rubbing her right wrist with her left, waiting for the simulation to move on.

The next simulation was the dog one and Tempest lunged for a knife that was on the floor nearest to her, feeling horrible about it. She flung the knife through the air as the dog collapsed and she saw scarlet blood coming out of the dog's side, before the simulation moved on, and Eric looked at Tempest, who looked sick with dread.

She felt a gun barrel against her right temple and heard the familiar clicking sound of the bullet moving into the chamber. "Choose!" The worried woman demanded as she looked straight ahead. Tobias was one of the people with a gun pressed to his head. However, where it used to be Evelyn, her mother standing there, now it was someone else. Eric was the other person, the other "choice" and Tempest's eyes darkened in anger and pain. She shoved the real  Eric out of the way as she turned around quickly, and the woman pulled the trigger and the bullet went directly into her head.

"Three down, Two to go. Unless I get any new ones, which I somehow don't think that you will." Eric murmured to Tempest, who was shudderin' already at the thought of what came next.

Marcus walked deliberately and directly toward Tempest and Eric with a belt in hand, and his eyes were the familiar dark blue, almost black and the same ones that she saw, whenever she look in a mirror.

Tempest gulped and she stood her ground, despite the terror that was coursing through her now, and she narrowed her eyes.

"You failed! You never should have been born!" Tears had begun to well in Tempest's eyes and multiple Marcus Eatons' began to show up around the room and all of the belts began to fly and she cowered back in true terror, as the belts came down from every direction. All coming straight straight at her and Eric.

"You killed your mother!" That did it apparently, as the belt continued to come down on Tempest.

Tempest was prepared for another bunch of lashes from the belt and she looked up in confusion.

Eric had thrown one of the Marcus Eatons' into the wall, slamming him into the wall hard with a growl of pain that came with the belt hitting him.

"She didn't kill her mother. The stress of your abuse was the thing that did it."

Eric growled and Tempest managed to stagger up onto her feet again, as she leaned against him with all the pain and tears clear in her face.

Tempest, she cried out in clear terror, as four walls slammed into her and Eric as well this time. When she was normally trapped in a box like this, it was horrible. But when Eric was stuck in there with her, she felt like she was trapped even more. Tempest began to shudder and Eric wrapped his arms around her, and she curled up into a ball, it just became smaller.

"Hey, look at me. This isn't real. Just remember that, you hear me?" Eric asked quietly as Tempest, she had her head against his chest now and she squeezed her eyes shut. "Try to follow my heartbeat." Eric murmured and Tempest nodded, as she slowed her breathing and her heartbeat along with it.

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