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"I guess one of them is gone and defeated for good, then." Eric said as Tempest unhooked herself quickly out of the simulation machine, from all of the seemingly endless wires.

"Why the hell, am I in your fear landscape Eric?" She asked sharply as she stared at him and she was now crossing her arms across her chest.

"I don't know. I honestly don't..." At her glare, Eric sighed. "All right, right, maybe I do know why you are. But it's definitely embarrassing." Eric admits.

"Go on, then. Tell me, unless right now, you're scared of that too." She didn't mean to sound like an asshole now, but she wanted to know why his fear landscape featured her because it was terrifying to think of.

"You're picking up on my habits of being irritating, aren't you?" He asked to try to change the subject, but, right now, Tempest wasn't having it. "Okay, fine. But, your brother, he'll probably kill me if he found out about why." He admitted and Tempest shrugged.

"It must be a weird reason then. Oh wait, on second thought, my brother would kill you for looking at me, so I don't think it's probably going to be a weird one at all. Or it could be, but he would still try to kill you." Tempest's thoughts were actually keeping up in time with her words, which was rare for her.

"All right then. Head to the training room, so that we don't need to worry about being caught by a bunch of the rowdy Dauntless members, who are always running around down here."

Tempest shrugged at Eric's words, as she followed him out of the landscape room, after he had logged it out of his.

"So, what's the deal?" Tempest asked as she taped up her knuckles and she took off her jacket. She started hitting the big punching bag in front of her as she listened for his explanation. After a solid minute or so, of her hitting the punching bag with him not talking at all, she stopped the bag with a hand.

She turned around to face him with her eyebrows raised at his silence and she shakes her head. "Eric, you just let me inside of your head, you let me see your worst fears. All I want to know is why I'm in it." She stated simply as he scratched the back of his neck, rather awkwardly. "Okay fine then. Mr. silent now. How about we fight for it? If you win, I drop the subject. If I win, you tell me, in the absolutely simplest way possible." Tempest suggested and Eric smirked, as he nodded quickly.

"All right then." He said and he sounded exactly like the familiar cocky guy, that everyone in their small group of initiates knew.

But Tempest knew better, or, at least she thought she did, since she had just seen what drove him to be the way, he appeared to others.

He whistled and took off his jacket and the two face off on the mats once again, and, they seemed to be doing it a whole lot more recently now.

Eric quickly shot out a punch and Tempest dodged to the side to avoid it and her fist hit him in the solar plexus and effectively, it winded him badly.

Eric staggered back quickly, trying to regain his wind. Tempest waited like a good sport, so that he would be even with her. "Why would you wait, when you could have won, right away?" He asked, once he had gotten his second wind and was back in the fight.

"I don't like beating down on opponents who aren't able to fight back... call it a 'Stiff' thing." Tempest admitted and Eric swung hard at her head again.

Tempest ducked and got out of the way, only to get her legs swept out from under her, and she crashed onto the ground quickly.

She managed to barely roll out of the way of his hard kick, and she knocked him down onto the ground, and she'd jump up, and her foot was against his arm, effectively trapping the one arm.

"All right, I give up. I'll tell you, but can you get your foot off of my arm already?" Eric asked and Tempest tilts her head in confusion, and she looked down at him, before she moved her foot and crouched next to him.

"Eric Coulter? Eric Coulter doesn't want to continue a fight? Is anyone home in there?" She asked and was gently knocking on his forehead, as he shakes his head.

"I will tell you what my thirteenth fear was, if you stop." He said and she stood up, before she helped him up as well.

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