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Tempest was taking a risky path quickly down the paths to the Dining Hall, when she felt someone slam into her from behind.

Luckily, she was forced to slam into the railing that blocked them from the chasm first, just before she went over, which was very, very lucky for her at this particular moment. "Woah, sorry about that." She snorted at Eric's tone.

"Yeah, sure." She said, coughing weakly to try to get air back into her winded lungs, as she was finally able to get air back into them. "If it wasn't for the barrier, I would just be a body floating in the chasm right now. And a rather reasonable excuse, for Four to kick your miserable ass, until you get no chance in hell of ever getting up to your feet again." She pointed out, and chose to follow him through, constant huge crowd of Dauntless members, as well as their children.

"Good point." Eric commented and Tempest shrugged her shoulders, as she followed the path that he muscled through the crowds, which she was as a bit of a slightly smaller person, still unaccustomed to doing. She grabbed her own tray and he rolled his eyes at the motion, since he was holdin' a tray out to her, and, she started down their dinner line.

Shauna and Zeke waved at her coming from the line, as she spotted Four glaring at her over his bottle of water and she sighed, as she walked over to them and dropped her tray on the table. "You are going to burn out your own eyes with all of that glaring, Four." She stated and began to eat her mountain of food, as Uriah and Lynn, the younger siblings of Zeke and Shauna, were sitting with them and Marlene followed them over.

"She isn't wrong." Zeke muttered to Four, who forced Zeke's head into his cake pile, and Tempest chuckles at the sight.

"So, where did you end up with the jobs?" Tempest asked, as she began to eat her own food, which was a good definition of a Dauntless meal, and a big pile of cake, almost as big as Uriah and Zeke's were, before Zeke's face had been smashed into his.

"Control room. My mom used to work there, she taught me almost everything that she knew for most of the stuff that I need to know." It was kind of hard to hear Zeke through a massive cake face, but it was a lot of fun to watch nonetheless.

"How about you, Shauna?" She asked and continued to shovel food into her mouth, as Uriah and her were now in a bit of a eating race, to see who could finish the remainder of their food first and Tempest was winning.

"I got into the patrol track thing. It is not the most exciting thing in the world but at least I will get to go be outside." Shauna mumbled to her, as she was talkin' around a big mouthful of food.

Zeke stood up and walked over to a group of girls, who were giggling as a big group. "Is that normal?" Tempest asks Shauna, nodding her head at the big group of girls that were all around Zeke now.

"Yep, that it is. The Dauntless girls move around in packs usually, with the surprising exception of you and I." Shauna stated and Tempest looked over at her with a raised eyebrow. "I.. I just mean because--" She began to stammer over her words, as Tempest was narrowing her eyes a bit in anger and shakes her head.

"Because I was a Stiff? Is that what you mean? Is that what you are just trying so hard, to not say to me?" It had never bothered her before, but all of a sudden, was burning her up from the inside out.

"Tempest, wait!" Shauna called out and grabbed for her arm, but Tempest knocked it away, and she walks out of the dining hall, putting her tray away and stealing the orange juice from her brother's.

She went into the training room and went to the nearest punching bag and after bandagin' up her fists, she began to hit the bag, as hard as she possibly could.

She started picturing every person that had ever pissed her off, called her something that had been an insult and a half, and more importantly, she had a solid picture of her father in her mind, and she began to punch and hit hard, feeling the ghost pain of the belt hitting her back, again and again.

She stopped and checked her watch out of habit, before realizing that she had been going at the punching bag for over ten minutes without stopping and she felt her sweat soakin' into the tank top shirt that she wore.

She drank a couple of orange juices and a water bottle, before starting the practice of shadow boxing, as she was tired of the bag.

"Just tired of hitting an inanimate object?" Tempest stopped her shadow boxing and looked over at Eric, whose shadow was the first thing she noticed and she shrugged.

"You should really know better by now, then to sneak up on me Eric. I broke your nose last time, or have you managed to completely totally forget already?" Tempest's voice was full of sarcasm, and she nodded at his taped up nose, which she'd just helped him with the night before.

"Yeah, it's gonna be hard to forget that." Eric murmured and he walked over to the bag, very casually giving it a hard punch as he went by.

"Did you tell Max that you thought I would be a good leader?" Tempest just blurts out the question, and he looked over at her.

"I figured that you would make a better leader than your brother, no offense meant of course." Eric's tone indicated that offense was meant, but only for Four and not her.

"I can hold the punching bag for you now, if you want." Tempest stated and unwrapped her knuckles quickly, and tossed the bandages into the trash.

She positioned herself behind the punching bag and Eric began to hit it hard, as she braced to hold it still with her shoulder, and his hits got a lot harder, the longer that he hit the bag in front of him.

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