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Tempest felt like she was being weighed down by a bunch of lead weights, as she walked into the big elevator to the Pire. She didn't bother to lift her head to see who else was in the elevator with her, as she got out of the elevator and made her way to the place that Max had told her about.

She spotted Eric out of the corner of her left eye, coming out from another hallway and she moves her head to be looking straight ahead. She looked to her right and saw that Four walked in synchronization with her now.

It was awkward enough, with the same two boys one on either side of her, but when the two definitely very clearly hated each other and it was a fluke that one of them just happens to be her twin brother?

"This is going to be a very, very long day."

Tempest thought to herself and Max waved them all inside. Four took one of the seats furthest from Max and the natural choice for Eric, was to do with his options, the exact opposite of Four.

Which left Tempest stuck with choosing between the two. She just eventually sat down in the middle, as one of the other Dauntless had moved a seat up for her. "Thanks." She muttered quietly and the older girl nodded, and as she waited for Max to begin, she caught Eric looking over at her.

She turned to Max when the Dauntless leader began to speak, as she focused on him and did her utmost best, to ignore the one former Erudite in the room, that she got tricked into believing, that he was a legitimately nice person.

"I think everyone is here, so let's get started." Max shut the door and Tempest tried to shake off the feeling that she was being watched, though it was clearly true. Which only meant it was her instincts, working overtime to compensate for her demeanor that definitely needed to be hidden for the time being.

"You're all here because you've shown potential, first, but also you have displayed enthusiasm, for our faction and for our future role in the city. Our city is changing, much faster now than ever before, and in order to keep up with it, we'll have to change, too. We will have to just become stronger, braver, better than we are now. And among you all, are the people who can get us there, but we will have to figure out who they are." Four raised his eyebrows very slightly from the end of the table at Max, just as Eric leaned forward to listen. Tempest worked to tune out her instincts, but it wasn't working so well. "We will be doing a combination of instruction and skill tests for the next several months, to teach you, all of what you will need to know if you make it through this program, but also to see how quickly you can pick up things and learn them." Max stated, as Tempest inside, was smiling.

"All of the factions in my Aptitude test can help me here. I am meant to be in Dauntless, Abnegation, Erudite and a quiet Candor. Dauntless and Erudite, a pair of factions that appear to be polar opposites of each other."

Tempest thought to herself, as Max handed out the info sheets and a big bundle of pens.





Faction of Origin:


Rank during initiation:


Number of Fears:


What are your Fears:

Tempest thought about the question for a moment, remembering the fear that she felt.

Tempest walked deeper into the house as she found that her father stared into her face, as he looks down at her, and held a belt in his hands. She looked up and he swung the belt at her.

She dropped down with a loud shout of pain as the belt struck her left arm and she clenched her teeth tighter, and she stared at the floor.

She caught the next strike of the belt on her wrist and she clenched her fist swiftly, slamming her hand into his jaw, which was the equivalent of punching the air, as she was thrown into another fear sim.

She turned her head to the side at the noise and saw that Tobias was standing up straight along with an innocent, loaded guns pressed to their heads.

"Choose!" She heard the loud, almost desperate shout, and then after, it was the click of the bullet, as it moved into the chamber.

Tempest pressed her head against the barrel and the gun fired a bullet into her skull, and she moved on.

She was unable to speak, unable to breathe or move, as she was lying on a table and all sorts of studious people were operating on her, like she was an animal.

It was as if being a Divergent was a thing to be studying and she forced herself to calm down, as at least if she was kept under lock and key, her family would be safe.

She summoned a gun in one hand and began to fire at the workers, as they screamed and died, as the sim moved on.

She was thrown into a tiny box that began to shrink, as she was forced to find creative ways to try to stop them from crushing her.

She let it get very small, so small that she was rolled up into a ball and the simulation was just forced to move on.

She gasped for air and it was like she was back in the aptitude test, there is a massive dog standing there, and its fangs were bared at her.

It charged her, a savage snarl coming out of its throat and she sunk to her knees as she was forced into a sign of submission in order to survive.

Tempest winced at the memories of them and she looks back at the paper in front of her.

What are your fears?:

Physical abuse from an older person

Being forced to choose between someone shooting my family and someone shooting me

Being experimented on


Being torn to pieces by an animal

Tempest handed her info sheet into Max's pile, and as she walked out of the office, she shoved her hands into her pockets.

Dauntless Member ||Eric Coulter||Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя