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I do not know what Eric's fears in his fear landscape are, however, I am going to put down and write here, what I suspect that they would be.

This is not canon and none of these have not be confirmed by Veronica Roth, except for the fear of death.

Thank you for reading.


She stood up and wiped her clammy hands on her black pants, and walked out of the fear landscape room. She was still shaking slightly, still from the new fear landscape order and she had nothing to say.

"You okay?" Eric asked as she walked right past him and just went into their computer system for the fear sim. She logged out of hers and switched it into his.

"Do I look okay?" She asked quietly and he shrugged his shoulders at her question which probably seemed a bit like a stupid question to a Dauntless, a former Erudite no less.

"After going through your fear landscape, you could probably use a laugh. Some of mine are pretty stupid and ridiculous." Eric said and she was looking pretty confused.

"Why would you ever let me inside your very clearly over pierced head, Eric?" She asked and he shrugged at her, as she pulled up short and turned back to look at him. "You just watched all of mine didn't you?" She questions of him, with a steel-like tone of voice.

"To be fair, we would have to know each other's fears if we both became leaders. That is what Max said to us, all of us at the first official meeting of the potential leaders." Eric said with a knowing look, and Tempest growled a bit.

"I really hate it whenever you are right about something. Now shoot yourself with the serum, already." She ordered and Eric laughed, as she went to hook herself up to the systems with the wires to observe.

Eric shot himself with the serum and he walked into the room with a small sigh, as the serum took over.

Tempest inhaled as the simulation began and she watched carefully to see what was going on.

The first fear of Eric's, it seemed to look like the fear of being publicly humiliated in front of others. She watched as he managed to slow his heartrate down and the simulation moved on.

"Twelve to go." She thought to herself as another simulation formed around Eric, and showed up on the screen.

The fear of not knowing what was going on, it seemed to be the next one, as Eric was being asked questions and he kept repeating that he didn't know the answer, as his heartrate went up and down, as he tried to calm himself down, but the fear got steadily worse. Until he finally spat out a random answer and the simulation moved on again.

The next one was in a brightly lit office, painted light blue and there were windows everywhere now, as Eric stood in the center of the office facing a person, who Tempest had never actually met, but she had seen at the Choosing Ceremony last year. Jeanine Matthews stood facing Eric, who was wearing black and it had blue on the accents of his jacket for some reason. "I have already told you about all of the Divergents! Why would I ever lie to you?!" Eric asked sharply and Jeanine held a serum in a syringe in her hand, as she circled him with it. "This is truth serum that I recieved from Candor, this morning. Shall we test it, to see if you are telling the truth or not?" Eric looked straight-up terrified now, at the sight of the dark blue serum in the syringe, as he backed up until he hit a wall. "Fine, shoot it into me. I have nothing to hide." The simulation moved on after he had said it, and Tempest's eyes blazed from her side of the glass at the term Divergent, wondering how he knew about them.

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