20| Dances and Crowd

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The last time I was this nervous was when I was sitting for my university's final exam. Now I'm dealing with a recurrence of that feeling.

Mave and I drew ourselves out of the throng and stood in front of all of our company's employees. Everyone was wonderfully dressed in their finest, and just before Mave's 'important' meeting, all of their faces had a carefree and cheerful look, but now it conveyed anxiety and tension.

All of because of me.

''What happened? What did you mean by an urgent meeting?'' Jen asked anxiously, stepping closer to us.

''Áh, it's nothing'' Mave dismissed with his hands making me turn and look at him with a confused expression.

''Oh yeah, your playtoy's here, he was searching for you'' he added rolling his eyes. I didn't say anything, I didn't understand what was in his mind.

''He is here!?" She exclaimed with a wide smile. I couldn't help but grin as I looked at her; her taut face had been replaced with a distinct delight, her eyes glittered, and just hearing his name was enough to take her distress away.

I swear if he hurts her I will cut his manhood myself.

''Yeah, you better get going before he decides he needs a new girlfriend'' Mave monotonously mocked.

''Yeah-yeah you're right'' Jen muttered walking away. But suddenly she came to a halt, her face contorted with rage, and she marched back to us.

''He's not my playtoy! And secondly, he will not get a better girlfriend than I'' She exclaimed in his face, slapping his arm, and walked away.

''Oww!-that hurt! Woman!'' Mave exclaimed rubbing his arms.

''You deserved it'' She retorted without turning back.

I kept looking back at her retreating figure. I couldn't help but smile at their antics.

''He makes her happy'' I stated looking at nowhere in particular.

''He does'' was his emotionless reply.

''You should-''

''I am not repeating same the same conversation with you again.'' With that, he walked where others were standing. With a sigh, I followed his trail.

Everyone standing there was muttering within each other.

'What happened?'

'I don't know'

Mave cleared his throat and drew their attention to himself. Though everyone liked him, they were scared of him as well.

We discussed our strategy after describing what went wrong with the former group. While some were apprehensive, others seemed ecstatic when they heard about the plan.

So this was the strategy; that as the troupe couldn't come, we, the employees would perform the opening; the perilous aspect was that not everyone was a dancer, which might throw the entire thing off. This is why we agreed that the "excellent dancers" would start with solo dances and gradually invite others to join in on the last three simple group steps.

The idea was risky, but there was no other option. While Mave demonstrated the final three simple steps of the group dance, I was watching a video to do my solo performance. Thank god for my school's dance team, I was a good dancer.

We chose not to mention anything to Jen because she was already stressed enough. When I think back, I recall dancing in the midst of a party with my ex; he didn't care what people thought; he'd just grab my arms and drag me to the dance floor. That was one of the reasons I fell for him or gave me the impression that he may as well reciprocate my feelings.

Wasn't looking for love till I found you.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt