19| Problems and Plans

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Guests' mirth and chatter filled the entire room.

After explaining to the young multimedia manager about the drive, I sighed and took a seat beside Mave and Jen, and as usual. they were arguing over nothing.

''You have to give him a chance'' Jen muttered angrily glaring at Mave.

Well, I guess they weren't after all fighting over 'nothing'.

''I don't want to, he will break your heart, and leave you just like all of your other 'boy toys' did, and you will have broken heart again! And shred tears, again! And I will have to see you cry, again!'' He lowly exclaimed grinding his teeth and closing his eyes.

''Guys'' I lowly said in between, ''Stop, we can talk about this later on. Alright?'' I added looking at both their faces. They didn't say anything, they just sat there being quiet.

I sighed.

''Is the issue resolved??'' Jen mumbled looking at me. I nodded.

''It's fixed'' I replied with a tight-lipped smile.

All evening, I was calm but right now my anxiety was growing; it always happened, whether it was a test or a presentation; I always got worried just before it begins.

Coming out of the multimedia room I couldn't help but rub my forehead; everything was messed up, but I couldn't say that to them, Jen was already over-stressing and Mave would just be angry at the event management.

I can handle this, I know I can.

''Why are tapping your foot like that? Everything's fine right?'' Mave asked placing a hand on my bouncing knee making me stop.

Knowing him for weeks, I understood that though Mave acted like a flirty teenager; he was a smart and intelligent man. He always grasped the straws.

''Yeah'' I let out an awkward laugh, ''ít's-it's just, I am nervous'' I stated with a puff of relief.

He didn't look convinced but nodded his head.

''It will be fine Sweetcheeks, don't worry'' He said winking at me. That made me laugh.

''Sweetcheeks? Really Mave?'' I asked bursting out into a fit of laughter and so did Jen.

''Idiot'' She muttered rolling her eyes yet her lips curved.

This is what Mave always did, he held the power and aura to make us smile. No matter, how much both of them fought, it's notable that they care deeply for each other. While Mave's worry for her is justified, Jen's want of having him and Jace share a good relationship is also understandable. I would also want my family and friends to accept the person I love.

If I ever fall in love, that is.

Growing up, I always desired to have that one special person, who will love me, cherish me and want me. I don't know if it were for the books I read, or for the characters I loved, but there was a time I dreamt of my prince charming, who never existed nor will ever exist.

That's when reality kicks in, no one is perfect in this world, and my perfect man doesn't exist in this evil world.

There is not my man out there, who will console me in my tears, who will love me at my worst, who will scold me for being reckless, and who will love me for being me.

I once did the mistake of giving away my heart to someone, who broke it into pieces; the pieces I lost in the sand. And the second one, I didn't even give him anything, so why did it hit like a thousand arrows seeing him that morning?

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