42| Beautiful and Lioness.

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My mouth dries, and all the words in my mouth become stuck in my throat. I open and close my mouth.

Say something!

"Hi," I breathed, mentally slapping myself for saying that.

The lady in front of me smiles and skims my clothes as if judging me. Something about the way she's looking at me tells me she knows something about me.

She directs her gaze to my face and fakes a smile.

"Hello, dear," her angelic voice greets me.

"How are you doing, Mrs. Henderson?" I inquire softly.

"Well, I'm fine. It's never been better" She cracks a smile. Her gentle, soft eyes were full of charm and mischief.

I give a nod.

I had no idea why she had approached me.

Sr. Mrs. Henderson, aka Sebastian and Luke's grandmother, stood in front of me, a clever smile on her face. I had no idea how to strike up a conversation with her, primarily because she appeared unapproachable.

"How can I assist you?" I mumbled and mentally groaned. Instead of complimenting her on the jewelry she wore or the stunning beauty she held, I asked what she wanted from me.

I should commit suicide.

"Straight to the point," she said, her eyes gleaming with something that quickly faded.

"Please accept my apologies; that came out incorrectly-"

"Ah, don't apologize. If an old hag approached me out of nowhere, I would have asked the same question" She cracked a grin.

"No, it's nothing like that-" I laughed softly.

"Please," she said, rolling her eyes, "I saw you from the stage and you just happened to catch my eye."

Something inside me tells me that's not entirely true, but I don't tell her.

"Thank you," I say, smiling and tucking my loose tendrils behind my ears.

"Are you planning anything after this?" She inquires casually. Jen groans beside me but does not stir.

I scream at her in my head.

"Yes?" I ask, gulping.

What exactly does she want?

Her eyes were as perceptive as they had been for a while.

"I asked if you'd be available after this."

"I'm not sur-"

"Even if you aren't, I want you to take some time out of your schedule and meet me at my place," she orders, clearly finished with the conversation.


"Nona," a deep voice behind her says.

I could recognize that voice at any time and in any place.

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