Chapter 38 - The Man

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As Sage was sharing her journey with a close friend, they asked her, "What's the name of the man who had such a profound impact on your life?"

Sage took a deep breath, contemplating how to answer. "His name is Depression," she replied with a hint of sadness in her voice. Her friend looked puzzled, not expecting such a response. "Depression?" they repeated, trying to grasp the significance of this name.

"Yes," Sage continued. "Depression took hold of me, wrapped its cold arms around my heart, and cast a shadow over my life. It was a dark and painful time, but through that suffering, I learned to be sturdy, to withstand the storms that life threw at me." Her friend was taken aback by her response. "You love suffering from it?" they asked, their concern evident in their eyes.

Sage nodded, her gaze distant as she recalled the trials she had endured. "It's not that I enjoy the pain, but it was through facing Depression that I found my strength. It forced me to confront my deepest fears and insecurities, and in doing so, I learned to be resilient."

"Depression took advantage of me," Sage admitted, "but it also pushed me to seek help and to take control of my life. It led me to therapy, to discover coping mechanisms, and to find support from my loved ones. Without that struggle, I wouldn't be the person I am today." Her friend listened intently, realizing that Depression had played a significant role in shaping Sage's journey. "So, you're grateful to Depression?" they asked, trying to understand her perspective.

Sage nodded, a soft smile touching her lips. "Yes, I am. It sounds strange, I know, but that battle with Depression taught me to appreciate life's smallest joys. It showed me the strength I had within me, and it led me to discover my faith and the power of prayer." She continued, "I don't wish for anyone to go through what I went through, but I am thankful for the lessons it taught me. It helped me understand the importance of mental health and self-care, and it led me to help others who are facing similar struggles."

Her friend admired Sage's resilience and ability to find gratitude even in the face of adversity. "You are incredibly strong," they said, their voice filled with admiration. "I don't always feel strong," Sage admitted. "There are still moments of darkness and doubt, but I've learned to lean on my support system and my faith. I've learned that it's okay to ask for help and to seek guidance when needed."

Her friend reached out and held her hand, offering comfort and solidarity. "You have come so far," they said. "And I'm glad you're finding strength and gratitude through your journey." Sage smiled warmly at her friend, feeling grateful for their understanding. "Thank you," she said, "And thank you for being here for me."

She knew that Depression had been a formidable adversary, but it had also been a catalyst for growth and self-discovery. And so, she thanked Depression—not for the pain it had caused, but for the strength and wisdom it had bestowed upon her. With each passing day, she continued to learn, to grow, and to embrace life with a heart filled with gratitude and a spirit that had been tested and emerged stronger than ever before.

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