Chapter 46 - The Barista of Life

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I find myself, yet again, in his trendiest coffee shop.

"Can I have some cappuccino, please?" then I proceed to take up a precious table for the next four hours to use the WiFi, while other people are forced to stand and eat their muffins and/or drink their lattes. I suddenly laughed at that thought.

I'm not sure if he noticed me reading his book. Probably not. He's busy making foam art and casually breaking hearts like it's just a typical Thursday. But on the off chance he have seen a beanie clad brunette sneaking glances his way, hey, I'm Sage. I'm a huge fan of your books. I didn't know he's an author, and a famous barista at the same time. I guess I was too late on the trends.

"Here's your coffee, Ma'am,"

"Pardon me for sounding dramatic, but I think you're the most gorgeous person I've ever seen. Hi. I am Sage. I am awkward but I am a huge fan of your books." I let it out and smiled.

"Uhm, yeah? Thanks?" He was shy.

"Can I get an autograph of yours please?"

"Okay." He said.

Oh G. He's so cold. But I am happy for this!

"I feel so honored. Thank you very much, Sir"

"Hakuna Matata" He replied and went back to the counter, I am at the last page of his book and it says :

Carry on, do not let your heart into the depths of your deepest fears—carry on. I know it's scary, but remember that nothing worth having comes easy.

Your coffee may have turned salty, that page may have turned crisp, all because of all the tears you've shed—the heart you've poured— but always remember that you have come this far not only to come this far.

You're already on your way there, do not stop yourself from being who you want to be.

Keep in mind that your fear won't help you reach your goals, that doubt will only trigger you to panic, and have yourself stuck in a state of oblivion—a mental coma, an emotional blackout, a one way ticket towards the river of lost souls—leave while you can.

Allow yourself to breathe, to recuperate, to believe that you can do it no matter how hard it is, how hard it would be—remember to be human.

Allow yourself to embrace your weakness and turn them into strengths, to let your fear become courage, and your doubt to become motivation.

Please know that it is not only a matter of remembering your "why" when you have lost the will to fight, but it is also about remembering to say "why not" when the world starts to ask you why.

Remember that you can always swim towards the sun and feel the warmth of hope. Remove the thought of your heart sinking in your deepest fears, remove the idea of swimming through the ocean of doubt—let it go, swim above, and feel the sun on your face.

"You can do it," repeat it to yourself, remind yourself, that even though it gets tough you can always do it.

I love it.

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