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Nara's POV

I entered the restaurant solely and eyed the waiters.. everything seemed pretty normal to me

I chose the table I wanted to sit at and grabbed the fancy menu beside me and scanned the pages real quick

seconds later, a figure sat at the same table infront of me and caught me off guard.. to my luck it was Zan

"Zan what are you doing here??" I whisper screamed

"I'm a part of the mission too dear" she said booping my nose

"oh i- get it bestie~"


we stayed until really late, to an extent many people left the restaurant

Zan and I were normally chatting when a handsome guy sat on our table, a smirk plastered on his face

"good evening ladies" he said placing two cups of pink champagne infront of us

"hello" I played it off

"the name is Mingyu. Kim Mingyu"

"I'm Cherry and this is Dan, nice to meet you" I introduced myself and Zan with fake names to stay on the safe side

after a while of chatting with him, I saw Hyunjin dressed up as a waiter, walk behind Mingyu signaling us to start our mission

I dragged my chair closer to Mingyu's and fixed his tie "tsk you wore it wrong"

he stared at me the whole time I was fiddling with it

he dropped his arms down and reached to my face and tucked a stray hair behind my ear "tsk you did your hair wrong" he imitated me

I laughed at his joke and punched his chest lightly, I can't believe I'm acting like that..

can the ground split and vanish me already

around few minutes later he landed his hand on my thigh while joking with Zan.. I knew where he was going, and the plan is perfectly working

good thing the gun was clasped on the other thigh, or we would've been busted and killed.

I excused myself to go to the restroom and winked to Zan. She would definitely understand the cue and she waved me off

I saw with the corner of my eyes, Mingyu biding goodbyes with Zan and following me to where I went, and after some steps he was standing infront of me

he came closer to me and snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer

damn even my boyfriend didn't have the chance to do this yet. I just swallowed my anger and wrapped my arms around his neck, staring at his visuals

"you know.. your friend just left.. how about we continue what we left hm?"

"lead the way handsome"

he chuckled and intertwined our hands together and led me to a secret tunnel in the walls

this idiot is just exposing himself..

before I got into the restaurant, Bomin gave me earrings that can easily track my location incase of emergencies

this tunnel is now being tracked by Jongho and hopefully they're behind us all

while we were walking, I noticed many iron gates that were definitely sound proof.. I wonder what he hid in there..

we reached a room and he quickly pulled me inside and pinned me on the wall

"there's something about you... that's different." he mumbled, faces dangerously close

"tell me about it" I whispered

"there's no need to" he said leaning in closer, aiming at my lips

I quickly ducked down and escaped his grasp.. "starting with a kiss? cliché" I chuckled

he was caught off guard, but soon enough, he wore his ugly smirk again and stood closer to me. "then how sha'll we start love?"

now, it was my turn to smirk.

I backed him up to the bed and laid him down, finger pointed at his chest..

I grabbed a rope, that was tied around a dress box and tied his hands to the bed hard enough to escape

confusion evident on his face, he opened his mouth to question me, but I pushed his chest down further more and leaned in, nibbling on his ear..

"let the show begin, Kim Mingyu"


Minnie Dose~

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