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Nara's POV

I made something quick to eat while packing my shoulder bag to head to work

I made my way to the café, and as soon as I entered, the scent of freshly baked cookies engulfed me that I nearly drooled at the sight

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I made my way to the café, and as soon as I entered, the scent of freshly baked cookies engulfed me that I nearly drooled at the sight

Uncle Jaehyun already displayed them and was out of sight. I guess he already left before I arrived, that's why I had to unlock the doors

I quickly put on my apron and started to rearrange some furniture and that's when I got distracted by a chime that belonged to the door's bell

I looked over to see the new customer, and my jaw nearly dropped.

it was Sanha, Hyunjin, Eric, Sunwoo, Jongho and my new discovered neighbor that still didn't tell me his name

- "Naraaaaaaaa I missed youuuuu" Sanha pouted
- "you literally saw me today sanha..."
- "so?? I enjoy being with you, not with them."
- "oh shut it Sanha, anyway hey Nara, I got you some customers" Hyunjin said cutely
- "well well Thankyou, I already know all of you! well, almost all of you" I glared at the addressed guy
"what are you guys waiting for? common have a seat"

they all sat over at the couches and I picked up my notebook to take their orders

they were quick to pick what they desired and I quickly arranged their orders and set down their common tray

for the first time, the café was engulfed with the sound of chatters, no one else other than them and me, I liked the sight actually.

after a while, Sanha came up to me and dragged me to sit with them even though I tried to decline several times, but would Sanha take "no" for an answer? no.

and here I was sitting between Sanha and Eric. the 2 most talkative extroverted guys ever. not that I'm complaining, they're the closest to me compared to the whole group.

hours passed and I have to admit, I really like those boys, my neighbor is the one and only popular Choi Bomin! I have no idea why the boys tried to avoid talking about him before, but he's actually not that bad! he's just cold on the outside but actually very soft and warm on the inside.

they really have a great relationship, this warmed my heart

- "so Nara, do you have a boyfriend? long distanced relationship or something" Hyunjin started
- "actually I never dated before"

I swear their jaws nearly dropped as the words left my mouth...

my shift has come to an end, and I fear I have to start closing up the store

- "alright get your asses out of here, my work here is done for the day" I shooed them

they quickly gathered their stuff, paid their receipt and jogged outside the store

I took my time in doing the dishes and tidying the place up, packing the left food displayed, fixed the chairs and picked up my own belongings and shut the place off.

I was just few steps away from the café, when I saw them. the boys.

they were sitting on the sidewalk talking and laughing loudly, I admired the sight and walked passed them waving when I heard a loud "wait!"

I stopped in my tracks.

- "where do you think you're going sweetie. we waited for you an eternity to walk you home, not to walk by yourself." Sanha rolled his eyes
- "oh. okay then let's go." I led the way.

we were all chattering and laughing loudly while stumble-walking to my apartment, getting glares from grown men and women

I clutched on Sunwoo's arm the whole walk with both hands, tho we did just meet today, but he's really close to the heart, not just him, all of them.

I almost peed myself when we reached that scary alley and maybe tightened my grip on Sunwoo's arm a little bit

and as I stepped infront of my building, they all, except Bomin, looked at me with wide eyes

- "YOU BOTH ARE NEIGHBORS." Eric amusingly concluded while accusingly pointing at me and Bomin
- "uh yea, surprise? we also live on the same floor. door to door, interesting right?" I said while nudging Bomin's shoulder
- "well I'm really tired so, I'll go in right now! goodnight guys! I really enjoyed today!" I hugged them all and sprinted fast to my apartment

Bomin's POV

- "oh shit, I hope she doesn't get involved with our thing" Sunwoo frowned
- "yea she's too frail to handle any of that if she gets tangled up somehow" Sanha added and Eric nodded agreeing with Sanha's words
- "I mean if anything does happen to her, like indirect involvement, all we can do is just protect her" Hyunjin joined the conversation
- "and this is why my friends, I don't like befriending girls, I don't want to drag any girl into this mess, we're men we can handle it, girls barely can" Jongho crossed his arms

all I could do is reassure them that I'll keep an eye on her and do my best to make sure she's safe, she's not a bad person after all and I do feel she's a good friend, no one from the guys want to scare her off with their, well 'our' secret identities and secret job.

Nara's POV

I made it to my apartment, and quickly changed to my pyjamas, removed my makeup and turned on the TV to watch some random stuff before heading to bed

I was lazily scrolling through my phone, texting my mom and telling her about my day, as usual

she's like my human diary. I'm glad she's here for me always

I was barely listening to whatever the TV played, until a news segment caught my attention

it was talking about a dangerous famous gang mafia known by "The 00' Liners"

I listened carefully to all the crimes they have done. that's terrible... how can they do such things???

they only target men, they track them down, and suddenly dead bodies are found all over weird places in Seoul like rivers and forests and they leave their signature handkerchiefs tailored on it "The 00' Liners" next to the dead bodies, to prove others that they've done this with pride. monsters.

I'm curious... why men???

my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to surf my good friend Google and do a quick research about them.

After some few minutes of intense reading, I learnt that, they'd never ever harm women nor kids and they just harm, basically murder, men who are involved in assaults, men who harass, rape, kidnap women, men who physically abuse their wives or children, perverts, scums and douchebags... overall all type of men who deserve to die actually.

I mean it's a good thing to get rid of such unwanted men, but isn't murder too much? I'm really confused are they good or not?? what's even more scary, they're the same age as me... I'm a 00' liner as well...

I turned off the TV after getting notified of the horrifying news and decided to mind my own buissness and go to sleep

after all, I have absolutely nothing to do with this.


this is literally the longest chapter I've wrote so far 1.2k words... wow ~g

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