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Nara's POV

I was able to convince Bomin to let me stay in my apartment for the week and surprisingly he accepted but under one condition

he has to walk me to university in the morning and back to my apartment in the afternoon as well as accompanying me to my work

basically not leaving me alone for any second...

I dragged my feet to carry on with my usual routine and threw whatever outfit I found in the closet

I dragged my feet to carry on with my usual routine and threw whatever outfit I found in the closet

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I stuffed my face with toast and held my bag tightly and strode outside my apartment

just as soon as I opened the door I was met with Bomin standing right infront of my door

-"morningggg" he beamed
-"what the hell-"
-"what- aren't you happy about my presence??"
-"i- dude it's 6am.. when did you get here.."
-"just 10 minutes ago, now let's go, I told you I won't leave you alone any second" he said while taking my bag from my hands and slunging it on his shoulder

he held out his other free hand waiting for me to grab it

I just ignored his gesture and moved past him still munching on my bread

"hey." he said in a pout. I halted in my place and turned around to face him

"hand. now." he was dead serious and didn't even budge. he's quite stubborn I may say

I sighed knowing I can't argue with him and grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the building

-"you know people would mistake us as a couple stupid" I sighed
-"oh. I don't see anything wrong in people mistaking us as a couple"
-"uhh but I do mind the death stares your fangirls in university give me"
-"what fangirls..."
-"oh GOSH you don't even know"
-"anyways I don't care, you're mine sooner or later"
-"I'm not yours.."
-"what it's already so obvious that I like you" he pouted
-"and what do you know about my feelings"
-"well I know that you fancy me too, it's obvious as well Dumbo"
-"and how do you know that I like you too?"
-"the slumber party, the amusement park day, the movie date..."
-"okay okay I get it- shut up"
-"and are you gonna ignore the fact that you also just confessed right now"
-"wait wh- oh...... uh would you look at the time we're getting late" I slipped my hand away from his grasp and rushed ahead

I could hear him laugh loudly behind, chasing after me rather quickly and grasping my wrist gently

"let's go~"

[Time Skip]

we finally reached the gates and a wave of murmurs could be heard, and all eyes on two figures in the center of the hallway

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