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Nara's POV

I marched towards the door, and as soon as I unlocked it, my gorillas invaded the house and made themselves comfy. all I could do is just sigh after locking the door.

- "Well I don't think I need to say 'make yourselves home' because y'all already on it..." I started earning a nod from Hyunjin and a shrug from Bomin.
- "Naraaaaaa" this time, it was Sunwoo who started whining and surprisingly not Sanha
- "what's up"
- "I'm starvinggg"

and after his statement, a commotion of "me toos" rose in the apartment, which I'm sure the neighbors will complain about later on

I picked up my phone to order some chicken wings and ramen from a restaurant I found through an ad while I was scrolling through Instagram last night

I have no idea if that restaurant has good food, but I honestly couldn't care less

As I was ordering on the phone, a whiny voice cut my poor communication with the restaurant's staff on the other line

-"Naraaaaaaaa" and this time it was the one and only Yoon Sanha
- "what the fuck do you want" I whispered shouted at him
- "ask them if they have dumplings and spicy tteokbokki" he pouted.
- "Sanha, they're literally a chicken and ramen restaurant"
- "I don't care, I want my dumplings. and actually the tteokbokki is for Eric and Jongho" he rolled his eyes.

I heavily sighed and asked the other line if they had what Sanha requested only to recieve a denial.

after I placed the order of 3 boxes of spicy and barbecue chicken wings and 7 cups of ramen, I knew I'll have to place a new order for dumplings and tteokbokki from a new place.

I surfed the internet briefly and got the number of a restaurant that sells what a sulking Sanha requested and bought the food in amounts that would definitely suit the gorillas that are currently bickering.

as soon as I hanged up, I walked back to were they were sitting and decided to pull out the playing cards to waste some time before the food arrives.

we were scattered in a circle, ready to start the game when Jongho gets up and blasts some ballad tracks through the speakers Hyunjin and Bomin set up while I was cooking, only to earn a groan from Eric that stood up and changed whatever Jongho was playing.

-"hyung it's a party, not a dramatic breakup scene or whatever" Eric scoffed
-"well, it's not my fault if you have a terrible taste in music" Jongho said before going to sit back in his place
-"excUSE ME?"
-"excuSE YOU?"
-"Yo, drop it already" I yelled at them both.

Eric basically played Victon's and Oneus' discography, to which no one complained to because these two groups really produce bops only.

we started the game, not before making a bet.
the loser will do the dishes after dinner.

I smirked to myself. they don't know they're playing with a professional card-holic.

our intense cards fight off was disturbed by a knock on the door, and since Jongho lost first, he stood up to collect our order

-"hey that'll be 57 dolla- JONGHO???" the delivery man exclaimed
-"Mingi hyung???" Jongho answered with widened eyes
-"what are you doing here Jongho?"
-"hyung I'm having a sleepover party, I'm the one who's supposed to ask, 'what are YOU doing here'"...
-"as you can see I'm working duh"
-"does Hongjoong hyung know...?"
-"uh nO?"
-"dude we aren't in need of money ya know?"
-"who said I'm doing this for money? I'm just taking a break from my daily routine"
-"okay then here's the card" Jongho said and handed who I suppose is Mingi, a black card.

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