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calum's POV

"ash, i really like her, she's so nice. she's just perfect. she laughs at my stupid jokes, even those i regret making right after they come out of my mouth. she makes me smile just by looking at me. i swear there's real butterflies in my stomach. i'm scared, what if she doesn't like me like that?"

"cal, she does, trust me, i've known her long enough to see when she likes someone. now get your ass out of your car, hang up the phone, go ring her doorbell and take her out, and then kiss!"

"okay, wish me luck."

"good luck buddy."


y/n's POV

"does this look okay?", i asked my best friend through facetime, showing off my outfit.

"yes, don't worry babe, you look amazing!", she reassured me as the doorbell rang. "good luck, go get your man."

"oh shut up.", i laughed. i hung up the phone and rushed down to my door.

calum's POV

"whoah, you look- wow."

"thanks, you look good too.", she chuckled while closing the door behind her.

so i really stuttered like that out loud. fuck.

"so what are we going to do?", y/n asked.

"well first we're gonna go grab something to eat. not too fancy, don't worry i know you hate that. and then we'll go watch the sunset.", i smiled.

"i love that"

y/n's POV

"thank you calum, this restaurant was so cute. and the food, omg, the food was delicious."

"i'm glad you liked it.", he smiled at me, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks.

we were currently sat on the hood of calum's car watching the sunset from some hilltop. a cold breeze hitting my skin, making me shiver. "you don't have to do that.", i said, seeing calum take off his jacket.

"it's okay, you're cold so i'd rather give you my jacket then watch you freeze out here because of me."

calum's POV

i draped my jacket over her shoulders, making sure it covered her arms completely. holding onto the edges a little longer than i should, using them to pull her closer to me. i kept on tugging on the jacket slightly until she was close enough for me to lean in and place my lips on hers. but i didn't, instead i just chickened out, thinking off all the things that could possible go wrong. what if she didn't like me, what would happen to our friendship, how would i ever get over her. what wou-

my train of thoughts came to a stop the minute y/n kissed me. my hands fell around her waist as hers made their way around my neck and on my cheek.

the kiss lingered on for a little longer until we both started giggling against each others lips.

"you have no idea how long i've been wanting to do this.", I admitted.

"me too", she replied.

"we should probably go, before it gets colder."

"yeah.", she laughed.

"by the way, you look good in my jacket but we'll definitely need a second date for you to bring it back now."

"i agree, we do need another date, i enjoyed this way to much for it to end here and in that case i'll forget your jacket so we'll need a lot more dates."

i smiled like a fool at that.

"you're so cute when you're blushing", she said kissing my cheek before i drove us back home.

calum hood blurbsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora