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"are you ready to go?", calum, your best friend asked, taking your hand as he pulled you out the door of your small apartment.

"yup, all set. what are we doing though?"

"that's a secret.", calum winked.

after a couple minutes of walking you arrived at a bonfire, set up on the beach. pillows and blankets thrown around it to make everything all cute and comfy. your closest friends were all there, gathered around the fire, already cuddled up to their significant others. a pang of jealousy washed over you as you saw all your friends be cozy and in a happy relationships, while you were stuck, hopelessly in love with the one guy you could never have. you tried, you really tried to get over him, but how could you when he's your bestest friend. there isn't a day that you two don't talk. then there's all the hugs and occasional cuddles and teasing, how does one get over someone while having all of that happening between you two.

"y/n? do you not like it?", calum asked after noticing your silence.

"no cal, i love it. thank you so much", you grinned at him widely.

"well then, happy birthday!", they all cheered.

"it's not my birthday.", you chuckled.

"we know but apart from us sending gifts from on tour we haven't really been able to celebrate your birthday. so we thought we'd catch up on that now.", luke explained, earning hums and nods from everyone in response.

"you guys are the best, I'm gonna cry."

"no no, no tears please.", calum pleaded, leading you to the two spots that were left for you.

you had a fantastic time as you all caught up around the fire with some drinks and pizza. as the end of the night came closer you cuddled up into calum's chest making both your hearts flutter.

it started to get colder too and without realising you had started shaking a little bit. "hey, you're cold, here.", calum mumbled throwing a blanket around both your bodies, pulling you as close against himself as possible.

"thank you.", you whispered against the skin of his neck as you nuzzled your face into it, the safety of calum's arms making you feel a type of comfort you'd never find anywhere else. everyone else started to catch onto what was happening and decided to leave the two of you alone to sort that out. "we should get going.", ashton commented, pushing himself up already.

"no you guys gotta sing me a song first, it's for my birthday so i get to decide", you smirked.

"and which song would you like birthday girl.", luke laughed.


"alright.", they all nodded and started singing and harmonising with each other. the biggest smile plastered across your face as you felt your friends chest rise and fall beneath you and the sweet sound of his voice hum in your ears as he sang the lines of your favourite song . after the song ended, your friends all started to get up and leave, giving you and calum some alone time.

"thank you so much for setting this all up, it made me really happy.", you smiled throwing your arms around him again to pull him close to you.

"I couldn't miss your birthday even if i was on tour.", he laughed hugging you back.

"you're the best I love you."

"I love you too.", he mumbled into your neck, "more than you think.", he added with a sigh.

"what?", you asked pulling away from his embrace.

"huh, nothing.", calum tried covering it up.

"no, u said more than you think but what do you mean?", you asked nervously.

"nothing, I just love you a lot."

"oh, I love you a lot too.", you said, looking down to your lap, making sure calum didn't see the disappointment om your face.

"what's wrong?", he asked  lifting your face back up by putting his hand under your chin.


"if it was nothing your voice wouldn't be this shaky and you wouldn't be crying. please just tell me y/n, you know you can tell me anything, I'm your best friend."

"I don't want you to be my best friend anymore."

"oh. d-do you want me to leave or-?"

"what, no wait I-. it's just, I like you, a lot. a lot more than I should as a friend and I-", you confessed, but you were cut off by the feeling of calum's lips crashing onto yours. at first you were surprised by this new feeling that engulfed you and by the fact that this was actually happening, that calum was actually kissing you, but after a while you started to relax and kiss him back. moving your lips in perfect sinc with his as they seemed to mold together into one before he pulled away and rested his forehead on yours.
"in that case I don't want you to be my best friend either.", he smirked, leaning in for another kiss.

"we should really go home though.", you said after breaking apart gain.

"can we watch a movie together or something like that? I kinda feel like kissing you again and that's gonna be a bit difficult if we're not gonna be in the same house, plus I missed a lot of movie nights while on tour."

"I'd love that, your place?"

"yes, let's go.", he said pulling you up and packing up all your stuff, "just let me put out the fire really quick and we can get going."

"I'll help you, boyfriend."

"I like the sound of that, girlfriend.", he replied, making you both giggle a bit as you cleaned up everything and started walking towards calum's home where you knew you'd end up all cuddled up together in his bed watching some silly drama movie that neither of you actually paid attention to.

hii, i hope you're all doing great, i know it took me a while to get this one written but here it is. hope you liked it.

if anyone has any request, just put them in the comments.

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