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it was around 4 am when the cold breeze flowing through your open bedroom window woke u up shivering on your side of the bed u shared with you boyfriend.

you got yourself up to go close it, but when you came back calum had rolled over and stolen all the blankets.

"calum", you whispered, trying to wake him up gently. he gave no respons.

"baby, please wake up, I'm freezing, please.", you said now pushing him over.

"calum.", you said loudly now, "please come on."

"mmh, what's wrong?", he finally responded.

"you stole all the blankets and I'm freezing."

"oh my god, I'm so sorry love, come here.", he said holding up the blankets for you to go lay underneath them. you lay yourself back down next to him on the bed. calum immediately wraps his arms around you, pulling you as close to him as possible. he tucked the bed sheets down right behind you, intertwined your legs and rubbed his hands over your back, trying to warm you up. you stopped shivering soon after and left short sweet kisses on his collarbone as he continued to hold you in his arms.

"I love you.", he said, kissing your forehead.

"I love you more.", you replied.

"let's go back to sleep now, sweet dreams."

"sweet dreams"

omg, we hit 1k reads, tysm. I'm so happy you guys are enjoying this.
and I know this one was a bit short, I promise I got longer ones coming again soon x

calum hood blurbsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora