french kiss

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you had joined your boyfriend calum and his bandmates on the european leg of their world tour a couple days ago. today was the day you'd finally got to paris, the city of your dreams if you were honest. the plane that took you there had landed about fourty minutes ago and you were waiting for the train that would bring you from the airport to the neighbourhood your hotel was in.

even though it was almost spring, the cool air running through the station's hallways still made you shiver slightly. you pushed your body closer to calum's, trying to steal some of the heat his body radiated. he, very well aware of what you were trying to do, pulled you into a hug. he rested his head on your shoulder while you rested yours against his chest. his warm breath flowing  over the cold skin of your neck.

"cal, I swear I'm gonna fall asleep if we gotta stay here any longer."

"still jetlagged?"

"yeah.", you murmured snuggling your face into the crook of his neck and closing your eyes.

"just close your eyes and lean on me, I got you."

"I love you so much calum.", you said looking up at him.

"love you too baby.", he replied locking his lips with yours for a little while. you laid your head back on his shoulder and closed your eyes. sleep coming over you almost instantly when you heard someone's voice next to you. a voice you couldn't quite recognise. you looked up to meet the eyes of a french policeman saying something like: "excusez-moi, madame et monsieur, c'est interdit de s'embrasser sur le quai ici."

"I'm sorry i only speak english, i don't understand.", calum said to the man.

"uhm it is forbidden to kiss each other in the station.", the man repeated with a thick French accent.

you being as tired as you were, bursted out in laughter. holding back was no option. "I'm sorry, is this for real, are you being serious right now? sorry sir, but we're not gonna fall for your prank or whatever this is, we have a train to catch."

"oh you think it's a joke, let's see how funny you find it explaining this at the police station. both of you can come with me to the van."

"oh fuck. sir, don't take her too serious right now, she's still extremely jet lagged and needs lots of sleep. she would never make fun of any rules.", calum tried to talk you two out of it.

"we're just messing around, love to scare off the tourists a bit. it is actually forbidden though, for your own safety so I suggest you wait till you're out of here to do it again."

"alright, thank you."

"what did you two do?", ashton asked, coming closer to you after watching the whole scene unroll before him.

you were laughing too hard into calum's shoulder to say anything, so calum took the word. "apparently kissing is forbidden here and y/n couldn't help laughing her ass off, so she almost got us in jail."

"I'm s-sorry, I can't-, this is ridiculous." , you choked out in between laughs

"you act like a drunk when you're jetlagged, go to sleep.", calum said pulling you flat against himself again.

"so much for french kisses.", you giggled again making everyone laugh now too.

"train's here, let's go so she can sleep.", ashton said motioning at you as you continued to laugh before actually falling asleep in calum's arms as soon as you sat down on the train.

he smiled the whole ride long staring at you, knowing this would be a moment to never forget.

I know this isn't great but I had fun lol. and for some reason this is an actual rule, it's so weird, but ok.

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