soulmates (pt. 5/5)

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y/n's POV

"why are you dragging me out of the water like this, calm down. tell me what's going on please.", you asked, confused as to why your cousin was acting like this.

"5sos is here and michael talked to me.", she whisper shouted.

"okay and you ran away from them to come get me?"



"I don't know, cuz I'm an idiot and don't have the guts to talk to them on my own."

"okay, let's hurry there then before they're gone."

"thank you, they're just with our stuff."

"water bottle girl!", ashton cheered out as soon as they came in sight.

"hello to you too.", you laughed, grabbing a towel to drape it around yourself before looking back up at them all. your breath hitched in your mouth when you looked into his eyes and felt the same kind of excitement you felt at the concert yesterday. maybe it was just because they were the ones preforming the concert yesterday, but it was different, even more intense.

"holy shit.", your cousin screamed out.

"what?", you asked confused.

"CALUM HOOD IS YOUR SOULMATE OH MY GOD. I AM FAMILY OF 5SOS NOW OMG", she yelled out uncontrollably.

"but how, I-, it can't be me, it's just not possible."

"it is. it's you.", calum now said.

"but, I never got my sign, then how do I have a soulmate?"

"maybe you missed it? or you don't realise something is your sign?", he suggested.

"we should leave them alone for a bit I think.", ashton grinned, happy for his best friend to have finally found his person.

"hi, I'm calum btw.", he introduced himself a bit awkward.


"I'm so happy to finally meet you."

"me too, I genuinely thought you didn't exist.", you laughed, talking to him felt so naturel already, so comfortable, "so how did you find me, your sign I mean."

"here.", he said, handing you his phone.

"a compass, classic. do you mind if I put on some music?"

"sure go ahead, you can use my playlists if you want."

"wait a minute. these are the exact same playlists as mine, everything is the same."

"that's really weird, but hey at least you got an extraordinary taste in music.", he laughed nudging your shoulder.

"I think I just figured out what my sign is.", you smiled at him.

"that's cute.", he commented, making you blush a little bit.

you two talked about everything and anything, getting to know each other very well the entire day.


"we, uhm, we have to leave for a different country tomorrow, can I have your phone number?", calum asked, upset the day had ended already.

"sure, here. do you have to go to the airport tomorrow then?"

"you tomorrow morning at 7 am we have our flight."

"I know we've only met, but it feels like I've known you for years and everything is just so comfortable around you so do you mind if I come say bye?"

"I would love that y/n."

you smiled at him and pulled him in for a hug. holding onto each other maybe a little too long for people who just met.

"can I kiss you shortly, I just wanna know if that's okay with you.", calum rambled nervously while you placed your lips on his softly before saying goodbye. leaving you with the sweet taste of his lips on your mouth as you entered your home.

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