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"cal, babe, we really need to get you to a doctor.", you said worried.

"no please, I'm fine, it's just a cold, I'm gonna be all okay in a couple days.", he said groggily before bursting into another coughing fit.

"calum it's not fine, please just let me take you to a doctor."

"no I just need cuddles and you and lots of tissues.", he protested.


"please, just give me a day, I promise i'll be better tomorrow."

"fine but if you're not better tomorrow we are going."

"fine. now cuddles please.", he said reaching his arms out to you like a little child. there was no way you could ever resist the look on his face he was giving you right now. those pleading eyes could always make you do whatever he wanted to. as soon as his arms wrapped around you, you could feel the fever radiating off his body. the stickiness off his skin now also making yours sweaty as he clung onto you.

"cal, babe-"

"please I'm fine, but my head is killing me, I just need sleep.", he mumbled nuzzling his face further into your chest.

"cal baby you're shivering, let me at least run you a nice warm bath so you can warm up and also wash the sweat off.", you whispered after waking him up from a long nap.

"mmhm k.", he groaned.

you helped him walk up to your bathroom and sat him down on a chair accros the room while getting the bath ready for him. you put in some bath oils and salts, avoiding anything with strong smells so at least those couldn't trigger him. calum leaned onto you with almost all his weight as you helped him undress himself and step into the bath.

"cal this is not just a cold, you're really sick and I know you're trying to hide much of it. you're in more pain then you admit, just please let me take you to a doctor so they can give you something for the pain."

"I don't wanna go.", he protested tiredly.

"why not?"

"it's stupid y/n, you'll laugh."

"tell me cal, I hate seeing you like this I just want to help you."

"if I go to a doctor, I'll have to get a covid test. I don't want the thing in my nose, it looks so painful."

"cal, it's not as bad as it looks babe. it's all gonna be fine, I'll be there holding your hand the entire time. but we need to get you some help and medication."

"I'm scared."

"I know, but you'll be fine, I love you and I promise it won't hurt.

"okay, if you say so."


"alright sir I'm going to take the test now.", the doctor spoke before pushing the little swab into your boyfriends nose as he gripped onto your hand firmly.

"and it's done already we'll send you the results by tomorrow morning. here's some medication for you to take and try to break down the fever already"

"that wasn't that bad now was it?", you asked as soon as you and cal had made it back to your car.

"hmm", he mumbled out before falling asleep again.

"you litte baby.", you laughed to yourself as you drove back home.

requested by TaytumCasiaMcRay
it's been a while but my exams are over so i have time to write again!! they'll be longer from now on too i just wanted to get one done. x
love u guys, hope you liked it.

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